xr clusters
current issues: some sectors still green or pink red/white glow on objects in space
mod must-haves: textures in cluster/textures must be properly mapped in material_library textures in planets/textures must be properly mapped in material_library break shader for cluster_b_nebula_mask and cluster_d_nebula_mask add material_library entry for: t_env_stars - copy gen_stars_large these next ones need copied from XR and fix shader line stars stars_v2 stars_v2b stars_v2b_few - also need to bring over texture stars_v2c stars_v3 - also need to bring over texture stars_v4 cluster_m_gasgiant cluster_m_gasgiant_haze - also need to bring over texture cluster_m_moon cluster_m_planet cluster_m_planet_haze cluster_m_planet_clouds cluster_m_background - need to break shader and bring over textures cluster_l_background - need to break shader and bring over textures cluster_l_planet cluster_l_planet_haze cluster_l_planet_clouds cluster_l_planet_volcano cluster_l_planet_volcanolava cluster_n_planet cluster_n_planet_haze cluster_n_planet_rings cluster_c_earthlike_haze bg_vertexcolor_solid - also need to bring over texture
cluster_a tppirate_cluster_97_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good
cluster_b tppirate_cluster_96_macro requires broken shader XU_simple_background_neb on cluster_b_nebula_mask
cluster_c tppirate_cluster_95_macro bad glow memes on the big planet sector needs to be in petri dish
cluster_d tppirate_cluster_94_macro generally good - originally missing planet textures
cluster_e tppirate_cluster_93_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good
cluster_f tppirate_cluster_92_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good
cluster_g tppirate_cluster_91_macro more brocken moon - generally good and looks like a wide range of options for sector placement
cluster_h tppirate_cluster_90_macro planets look weird....sector is otherwise ok
cluster_i tppirate_cluster_88_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good
cluster_c_v2 tppirate_cluster_87_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good
cluster_c_v3 tppirate_cluster_86_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good
cluster_c_v4 tppirate_cluster_85_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good
cluster_h2 tppirate_cluster_84_macro requires broken shader XU_simple_background_neb on cluster_d_nebula_mask needs a good placement for the sector, otherwise planets look odd
cluster_h4 tppirate_cluster_83_macro generally good, might need a nice placement
cluster_darkspace tppirate_cluster_82_macro no planets works great as is :)
cluster_c_v5 tppirate_cluster_81_macro needs a good placement for the sector, otherwise planets look odd
cluster_i2 tppirate_cluster_80_macro might need a good sector placement, but i like it
cluster_c_v6 meditech_Cluster_01_macro needs a good placement for the sector, but otherwise good petri dish with weird glow
cluster_sm_background tpthree_cluster1158_macro definitely needs placement help, no petri dish, but black walls
cluster_sm2_background tpthree_cluster178_macro possibly missing some planet textures?
cluster_t tpthree_cluster177_macro needs good sector placement, possibly missing planet textures
cluster_t_v2 tpthree_cluster176_macro looks fine, this is the one with big stars
cluster_sm_te_background tpthree_cluster195_macro needs good sector placement, possibly missing planet textures
cluster_m tpthree_cluster196_macro includes the bad shader XU_simple_background_neb on cluster_m_background
cluster_n tpthree_cluster215_macro
cluster_l tpthree_cluster110_macro includes the bad shader XU_simple_background_neb on cluster_l_background
cluster_sm_hol_background tpthree_cluster1217_macro
IGNORE planet_sun_a tppirate_cluster_99_macro invalid cluster
planet_sun_A tppirate_cluster_98_macro invalid cluster
cluster_htest tppirate_cluster_89_macro invalid macro (just a test file i think)