The data-depression-selfguided-psyctr
dataset is a meta-analytic research domain (MARD) on self-guided interventions for adults with depressive symptoms. This MARD is part of the Metapsy project. The dataset contains study information and effect size data of randomized controlled trials that report the effect of psychotherapy on depressive symptoms, quality of life, patients' treatment satisfaction, and well-being. The date of the last search update is provided here. This dataset includes psychotherapy vs. control ('psy vs ctr') comparisons. Effect sizes are provided for outcomes at post-tests and follow-ups. The results of a meta-analysis using this database can be read in this published article.
We define elf-guided interventions as therapeutic approaches that individuals engage in independently, without the direct involvement or guidance of a therapist. These interventions rely on the person's initiative and self-direction, often utilizing resources such as self-help books, online programs, or mobile apps to facilitate the therapeutic process. For this database, included interventions should target depressive symptoms and can provide the necessary support to monitor the intervention process or improve participant adherence (i.e., technical support, automated or human encouragement, and support on demand); however, no support related to the therapeutic content was permitted.
The dataset follows the Metapsy data standard. All included information has been independently extracted two researchers. Risk of bias ratings were conducted using the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool (Version 2).