CubeHash.cs source code package - C# implementation
Uli Riehm <>
Public Domain
based on supercop-20141124/crypto_hash/cubehash512/unrolled2
D. J. Bernstein
Public domain.
Ask questions on stackoverflow using tags C#``CubeHash
Usage 1
Have "one" CubeHash value.
using Crypto;
using System;
using System.Text;
byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text);
byte[] value;
using (var hash = new CubeHash512()) value = hash.ComputeHash(bytes);
foreach (byte v in value) Console.Write("{0:x2}", v);
Usage 2
Have "many" CubeHash values.
using Crypto;
using System;
using System.Text;
byte[] textBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("HHHHAAAALLLLOOOOWWWWEEEELLLLTTTT");
byte[] hashSource = new byte[sizeof(UInt32) + textBytes.Length];
Buffer.BlockCopy(textBytes, 0, hashSource, sizeof(UInt32), textBytes.Length);
var hashValue = new byte[64];
UInt32 i = 0; // threadI;
using (var hash = new CubeHash512())
CubeHash.UInt32ToBytes(i, hashSource, 0);
hash.Compute(hashValue, hashSource);
// if (Quersumme(i + 1) == 1) Console.WriteLine ...
} while (0 < ++i);
/* Beware. Your program will run FOR HOURS !
2016-08-21 13.46.00
Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80GHz x2
100.000.000 CubeHash512 in 14min 08sec
== 100000000 ÷ (14×60 + 08)
:= 117.925 CubeHash512/s
1. Run this using a pipe, on GNU/Linux and on Windows
$ mono ./YourProgram.exe > './YourPrograms output.txt'
2. Use `emacs` as your editor.
Press `M-x auto-revert-mode`
or use file `~/.emacs.d/init.el` with `(global-auto-revert-mode 1)`,
to have a real-time view of your program.
3. Also try this using new System.Threading.Thread's:
} while (threadI < (i += threadC)); /**/
foreach (byte v in hashValue) Console.Write("{0:x2}", v);
Example 1
~/CubeHash.cs/bin/Debug $ echo -n HHHHAAAALLLLOOOOWWWWEEEELLLLTTTT > ./Hallo.txt
~/CubeHash.cs/bin/Debug $ hexdump ./Hallo.txt
0000000 4848 4848 4141 4141 4c4c 4c4c 4f4f 4f4f
0000010 5757 5757 4545 4545 4c4c 4c4c 5454 5454
~/CubeHash.cs/bin/Debug $ mono ./CubeHash.exe --in=./Hallo.txt
~/CubeHash.cs/bin/Debug $ mono ./CubeHash.exe --in=./Hallo.txt CubeHash256