So many formats, so much wow. See wesm comment before making up your mind.
- Big Data
- Scientific
- Machine Learning
- Graph
- Object
- Workflow
- Programming
- Streaming
- Security-Focused
- Academic
Serialization suitable for API RPC networked services.
- CSV - Comma Separated Values. Textual.
- JSON - Lightweight document data-interchange format. Textual.
- JSONL - Schemeless "multiple JSON documents in 1 file" container data format. Textual.
- JSON5 - JSON with added support for comments and relaxed syntax. Textual.
- Thrift - Scalable code generation, schema evolution binary format. Binary.
- Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. Binary.
- Message Pack - Efficient JSON-like binary serialization format. Binary.
- bson - Binary schemeless JSON encoding. Binary.
- XML - Extensible Markup Language. Genuinely Horrible. Textual.
- Plist - Property List representation. Apple. Textual.
- YAML - Indentation-based data serialization standard. Textual.
- TOML - Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language. Textual.
- CBOR - Concise Binary Object Representation. Schema-free. Binary.
- ION - Amazon's advanced JSON-compatible serialization. Textual/Binary.
- gRPC - A high-performance, open source universal RPC framework. Binary, ISO Layer 7.
- RSocket - Application protocol providing Reactive Streams semantics. Binary, ISO Layer 5 (or 6).
- Cap’n Proto - High-performance, schema-based data interchange format. Binary.
- FlatBuffers - Suitable for zero-copy deserialization. Binary.
Serialization suitable for big data at rest systems, from Hadoop family of solutions.
- Parquet - Columnar storage for Hadoop workloads. Binary.
- FlatBuffers - Protocol Buffers suitable for larger datasets. Binary.
- ORC - Columnar storage for Hadoop workloads. Binary.
- Avro - Scheme embedded, dynamic rich data structures. Textual/Binary.
- Ion - Row storage with skip scan parsing. Structured, schema embedded. Amazon. Textual/Binary.
- Arrow - Cross-language columnar data format optimized for analytics workloads. Binary.
- Delta Lake - Transactional storage layer for big data workflows. Binary.
- Iceberg - Open table format for large datasets. Binary.
Large-scale sparse arrays used in physical, mathematics, and statistics research.
- HDF5® - n-dimensional datasets, complex objects, with schema. Efficient I/O. Binary.
- npy - Numpy arrays, cell sparse metadata. Binary.
- NetCDF - Self-describing, machine-independent data format for scientific data. Binary.
- Zarr - Scalable storage of n-dimensional arrays. Binary.
- ASDF - Advanced Scientific Data Format for astronomy and beyond. Binary/Textual.
Serialization of deep learning networks and weights.
- SavedModel - TensorFlow package, weights, graph, executable code. Binary.
- CoreML - Apple's on-device ML model format. Binary.
- ONNX - Open Neural Network Exchange. Interoperability focused. Binary.
- MLIR - Intermediate representation for machine learning computations. Textual/Binary.
- TorchScript - Serialization for PyTorch models. Binary.
- GraphDef - TensorFlow graphs. Binary.
- PMML - Predictive Model Markup Language for exchanging ML models.
Serialization formats for representing graph-oriented data structures.
- json-ld - JSON for Linking Data. Textual.
- Turtle - Terse RDF Triple Language. Textual.
- GraphML - XML-based graph serialization format. Textual.
- DOT - Graph description language, developed as a part of the Graphviz project. Textual.
- ParquetGraph - Integration of Parquet with graph data structures. Binary.
- GraphSON - JSON-based graph serialization. Textual.
- GraphML - XML-based graph serialization format. Textual.- GML - Graph Modeling Language. Hierarchical ASCII-based. Textual.
- common-workflow-language - Specification for describing analysis workflows and tools in a way that makes them portable and scalable across a variety of software and hardware environments.
- Apache Airflow DAGs - Python-based Directed Acyclic Graphs for workflows.
- WDL - Workflow Description Language for genomics and scientific workflows.
- Relational Algebra and Datalog for Graphs - Coursera course on graph data manipulation.
- Cromwell - Scientific workflow management, compatible with WDL and CWL.
- Nextflow - Scalable and reproducible scientific workflows.
Language-native serialization formats for in-transit data (aka memory-based "live" objects).
- Dart Object Serialization - RAM to Disk serialization. Dart-specific. Binary.
- pickle - RAM to Disk serialization. Binary.
- msgpack-python - MessagePack serializer implementation for Python.
- srsly - Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python.
- MessagePack.swift - Swift MessagePack Serializer.
- Java Object Serialization - RAM to Disk serialization. Binary.
- Serde - Rust's serialization framework for multiple formats like JSON, CBOR, and MessagePack.
- bincode - High-performance binary serialization for Rust.
- GOB - Go's built-in serialization format for arbitrary data structures. Binary.
Serialization formats optimized for real-time streaming data.
- Kafka Streams - Real-time stream processing framework with built-in serialization.
- Protobuf-Lite - Lightweight Protocol Buffers for constrained environments.
Serialization formats designed with security and robustness in mind.
- safetensors - Safe serialization of tensors for machine learning. Binary.
- Sealed Object Serialization - Encrypted serialization for web data. Textual/Binary.
Research papers discussing types, category theory, benchmarks & co.
- Type theory - Studies types, which informally are attributes that objects can possess.
- Category theory - General theory of functions. Axiomatic foundation for mathematics, as an alternative to set theory.
- Graph Compression Techniques - Research on optimizing graph serialization.
- Efficient Serialization in Distributed Systems - Study of efficient serialization techniques for scalability.
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To the extent possible under law, Maxim Veksler has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.