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A customizable dbt working environment

Date: 2024-05-07
Author: MvS
keywords: data engineering, dbt, data build tool, data warehouse, linter, code style


An enhanced working environment to develop and deploy dbt models using code quality tooling for its various moving parts.

The description from the project website sums it up perfectly:

dbt is a transformation workflow that helps you get more work done while producing higher quality results. You can use dbt to modularize and centralize your analytics code, while also providing your data team with guardrails typically found in software engineering workflows. Collaborate on data models, version them, and test and document your queries before safely deploying them to production, with monitoring and visibility.

dbt compiles and runs your analytics code against your data platform, enabling you and your team to collaborate on a single source of truth for metrics, insights, and business definitions. This single source of truth, combined with the ability to define tests for your data, reduces errors when logic changes, and alerts you when issues arise.


This project was created for:

General environment setup

  • In the developer's home directory a dbt connection file, called profile.yml will have to be set up.

  • We assume that either the ~/.dbt/profile.yml will point to a pre-existing relational DB/lake-/warehouse data storage or the developer is familiar with setting up, e.g., a Docker container with a postgreSQL instance on his laptop.

  • We advise to use admin role credentials on a dev DB instance for fast prototyping and reduce this to minimal CRUD permissions specifically to the AOI on a production system.

  • We encourage to connect to any DB admin tool of choice, in parallel of the ongoing dbt coding, e.g., DBeaver. This can be used to test/filter new model components.

  • The Makefile in the repository's root is designed to help set up and manage the development environment. It includes tasks for setting up the Python/Node environment and testing the executables for running linters, formatting code, and cleaning up:

    • make setup_env
      Install local Python/Node environment with dbt, linters, etc. This Makefile target installs all necessary dependencies listed in requirements-dbt.txt and package.json.
    • make verify_install
      Check environment installation and command versions.
    • make clean
      Clean up environment files - removes the Python virtual environment and Node modules.


Run make <target> to execute the desired target. For example, use make setup_env to set up the environment.

Additional notes

  • The environment variable DBT_PROJECT_NAME does not need to be changed here as each dbt project contains its own Makefile for specific use with the Python/Node environment.

  • This approach was chosen to allow an individual customization of dbt run / dbt test for each dbt project's data modelling layer structure.

List of available dbt projects in this repository

Simple example from initial configuration (pg_source)

This example follows the first steps to set up a new project and adds another transformation using dbt macros, see, ./models/loading. It does not contain another Makefile for the sake of illustrating the main commands and simplicity.

  1. Consider that the dbt environment has been set up correctly and a database connection has been established to a database with sufficient permissions to create schemas/tables/views.

  2. Using your DB admin tool, manually create a source schema on the database instance in database pg_source and populate it with a table containing some data, see script.

  3. (Skipable): Creating a new dbt project:

    • Create a project folder <project_name> to host all dbt data engineering and use this directory.
    • Run dbt initand fill out the required info on DB connectivity, specify <project_name> and target schema which dbt will work on, pulling data from the source. A project environment will created in the directory and a ~/.dbt/profile.yml will store the connectivity information. Both will be linked via a dbt_project.yml file in the project root.
  4. Run cd pg_source && dbt debug to verify that the connection to the postgres instance is working.

  5. Observe the fine-grained, recursive configuration options within each *.yml file which can be overwritten by more deeply-nested model layers definitions.

  6. Run dbt run --select "models/example/my_first_dbt_model.sql" for a "hello world" experience.

  7. After a run has concluded it would be appropriate to use a testing workflow to verify the integrity of the layers and tables generated, e.g., dbt test --select "models/example/my_first_dbt_model.sql" invoking generic tests on certain fields of a table. The testing criteria are specified in the schema.yml of the respective data model component. There are options for singular test cases, generic test cases, and unit tests.

  8. Run dbt deps to install additional modules, specified in packages.yml which provide advanced functionality beyond the scope of dbt-core, e.g. timestamp functions of the dbt_date package. In this way another model can be run using dbt run --select "models/loading/my_first_transformation.sql"

A more elaborate example from dbt's website (jaffle_shop)

This project has been taken from dbt's Github page and slightly extended:

  1. Note, as mentioned before, that for most commands a target database has to be specified, e.g., dbt run --target dev. In the ~/.dbt/profiles.yml we can define connections [local, dev, prod] and default targets that would usually point to dev or local instances.
    One should deploy new model code to production systems after rigorous testing, only.

  2. Switch directory to the dbt model and confirm that the connection is working: cd jaffle_shop && dbt debug

  3. To source a simple start schema data mart we upload, or seed, a set of *.csv data files found in the ./seeds folder to the database using dbt seed. This simulates the landing stage of the data lake/warehouse.

  4. We build the full data model by calling dbt run which will try to create all subsequent tables and views based on the specification found in ./models consisting of *.sql, *.yaml definitions and jinja templating configuration. We can use a command like dbt run --select staging to construct only parts of the model up to a certain level or to re-create a particular table.

  5. We can do a dry-run of the dbt run, e.g., by calling dbt show --select "model_name.sql" which will run the query against the database but not write to the database. We can also run ad-hoc queries against the DB dbt show --inline "select * from {{ ref('raw_customers') }}".

  6. A powerful feature of dbt is the automatic generation of structured documentation for each model realization based on the technology used. In this way the documentation for the production database will differ from the development instance, e.g., postgreSQL (dev) and snowflake (prod). Use dbt docs generate --target dev to generate/update the files. You can even run dbt docs serve --target dev to create a local website to be displayed in the web browser. Noteworthy files are:

    • manifest.json: Containing a full representation of your dbt project's resources (models, tests, macros, etc).
    • catalog.json: Serves information about the tables and views produced and defined by the resources in your project.
  7. Quickly, also mentioning the Makefile in this project which carries more weight in larger dbt projects:

    • Running make dbt_run_refresh will fully seed, recreate, test each individual model stage, here, they are called marts and staging one after the other and stopping the build process upon failure.
    • Running make dbt_run will recreate and test the models only by their increment, which carries no weight in this configuration. See incremental loading for further details.
    • All the code quality features found under make help are also available.

Transactional data normalization and de-normalization (dbt_norm_table)

The data set used here contains transactional data from a retail store covering:

  • Consists of 12 months of transactions, approx. 500k rows,
  • It covers orders and partial cancellations/returns of orders,
  • Approximately 4000 product items for home furnishings and decorations,
  • Recurring orders by approx. 4000 customers from 30 countries.

It was kindly provided through the Kaggle community. It turned out that the data also contains stock management information, when items were lost/destroyed/damaged.

To properly make use of these data it became apparent that a certain level data cleaning is required during dbt's loading process. The result of an explorative data analysis and wrangling can be found in analyses/2024-07-17_preparing_seeds.ipynb. The seed files provided in seeds/*csv can be re-created using this notebook plus some feature engineering by LLMs.

In this project most things run out of the box, but some initial setup is required still:

  1. The Kaggle data needs to be manually imported to the DB using a DB Admin tool and a scripted approach. One can opt to either use the 500k rows of data as a whole or split them into packages defined by a time interval. There is a script provided to facilitate that task.

  2. Once the data is "manually" ingested it can be processed by pointing the models/sources_properties.yml to the proper tables and selecting the respective references in staging/0101_transactional_data.sql and staging/0102_transactional_nulls.sql. We strongly advise to replicate the initial setup before making individual customizations.

  3. Similar to the previous project example there are Makefile targets to simplify a structurally consistent deployment:

    • Running make dbt_run_refresh will fully seed, recreate, test each individual model stage:
      stage, core, mart and stats point to respective schemas in the DB instances database. The build process stops upon failure.
    • Running make dbt_incremental will add any data to realized models of that flavor. The common scenario is that a new batch of ingest data only contains a few lines and does not require a full rebuild of the data model. We can either simulate this be adding a new set of data to the source table by SQL INSERT or by simulating a incremental condition, e.g. make dbt_incremental REFRESH="--vars 'overlap_interval: \"2 Days\"'" as this parameter has been coded into the incremental models for this show case.
  4. All the code quality features found under make help are also available. We advise to employ make sqlfluff_lint and make prettier_reformat ahead of a pull/merge request in order to bring consistency to the SQL/YAML code base.

Additional helper functions

  1. Install the command completion for dbt as specified, here.

    cd ~
    curl > ~/.dbt-completion.bash
    echo 'source ~/.dbt-completion.bash' >> ~/.bash_profile
  2. When using VScode we recommend to install the dbt extension Power User for dbt Core to gain:

    • Code completion, function hinting, model references, etc.
    • Ability to run dbt model queries inside of VS code out of their respective model.sql file by Ctrl + Return.
    • Display of data lineage.
    • ...
  3. Install a dbt packages like dbt-utils by adding a packages.yml or dependencies.yml to the dbt project root and pull it into the project by running dbt deps. Shortly afterwards, the Jinja templating engine will offer the respective macro functionalities.

Note on convenience features for happier coding

Convenience features included in this repo are:

  • A Makefile to set up the environments and call the features below.

  • Automatic Python code reformatting following PEP8 using black,

    • Invoked and applied manually via, black . and as a dry run using black --check .
  • Python code linting using flake8,

    • Flake8 linter integrated in aforementioned git hooks (and configured in setup.cfg)
  • Using sqlfluff as a linter will boost the dbt code quality especially given the lack of enforced standardization and evolving SQL habits within a dev team:

    • Start with package installation

      source <dbt-env>
      pip install sqlfluff sqlfluff-templater-dbt
    • Add a .sqlfluff config file to the project root. Note: the SQL dialect and the project dir need to match the technologies used in the backend. ToDo: use jinja templating to add flexibility:

      dialect = postgres
      templater = dbt
      runaway_limit = 10
      max_line_length = 80
      indent_unit = space
      project_dir = <dbt_project-dir>
      tab_space_size = 4
      spacing_before = touch
      line_position = trailing
      capitalisation_policy = lower
      aliasing = explicit
      aliasing = explicit
      allow_scalar = False
      extended_capitalisation_policy = lower
      capitalisation_policy = lower
      capitalisation_policy = lower
      [sqlfluff:rules:ambiguous.column_references]  # Number in group by
      group_by_and_order_by_style = explicit
    • Add a .sqlfluffingnore config file to the project root:

    • From the git project root, either invoke sqlfluff lint to list the code quality issues in the current SQL code or run sqlfluff fix to auto-correct the issues on the fly. Note, that some quality issues will still have to be fixed manually but the linter will usually point to the right direction.

  • Prettier formatting of all *.yaml configuration files. Prettier's own configuration is specified within the .prettierrc file.

    • A dry-run invoked manually via, npx prettier . --check and executed using npx prettier . --write.
  • Pre-commit hooks to check for fundamental issues with the code base before adding them to git,

    • Invoked manually via, pre-commit run --all-files.

Further references


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