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matthewmaier committed Apr 8, 2017
1 parent 33c9a79 commit e4bccc4
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@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
script "easyJSON"
// EasyJSON - an open source JSON parser and encoder for LiveCode
// @author: Igor de Oliveira Couto <>
// This code is open source, and released freely, under no restrictions, to the public domain.
// This work is based on previous works by Mark Smith and Andre Garzia.
// Contributions are welcomed and encouraged.
// No promises are made of suitability or dependability on this code, for any purpose.
// You cannot hold the authors liable for any damage or loss due to any use or application
// of this code


This function produces a valid JSON document, as per,
given any LiveCode array.
@param pArray a LiveCode array.
@return if pArray is numerically indexed, returns a JSON document where the root element
is a JSON array. If pArray contains non-numerical keys, returns a JSON document
where the root element is a JSON object.
function jsonFromArray pArray
if pArray is not an array then return "Parser Error: parameter given is not an array."
local tJSON
if isNumericalArray(pArray) then
// the array's keys are all *numerical*, so the root element will be a JSON *array*
put "[" into tJSON
local tValue
repeat for each element tValue in pArray
put toJsonValue(tValue) & comma after tJSON
end repeat
put "]" into the last char of tJSON
// the array's keys are not all numerical, so the root element will be a JSON *object*
put "{" into tJSON
local tKey
repeat for each key tKey in pArray
// all JSON object keys are double-quoted strings:
put quote & tKey & quote & ":" & toJsonValue(pArray[tKey]) & comma after tJSON
end repeat
put "}" into the last char of tJSON
end if
return tJSON
end jsonFromArray

This function checks the keys of a LiveCode array,
and returns TRUE if all the keys are numerical - otherwise, returns false.

@param pArray a LiveCode array
@return TRUE if the array's keys are all numerical, otherwise FALSE
private function isNumericalArray pArray
local tKeys
put the keys of pArray into tKeys
filter tKeys without "[0-9]*"
-- ! forcing this function to return false
-- ! this way the numeric keys are preserved instead of being thrown out
-- ! when they're erased the data gets resorted randomly
return false
-- if the number of lines in tKeys > 0 then return false
-- else return true
end isNumericalArray

This function takes a LiveCode value, and produces a string representing
a valid JSON 'value', as per
@param pValue any LiveCode value: array, string, number, date, colour, boolean, etc.
@return a string representing a valid and comparable JSON 'value' - JSON values are:
number, string, boolean, array or object.
LiveCode 'empty' returns JSON 'null'.
private function toJsonValue pValue
case pValue is an array
// this allows us to have nested JSON objects and arrays:
return jsonFromArray(pValue)
case pValue is empty
return "null"
case pValue is a boolean
if pValue then return "true"
else return "false"
case pValue is a number
return pValue
// any other value is processed as a string.
// JSON strings require that certain characters be 'escaped' with a backslash:
replace "\" with "\\" in pValue // the backslash itself
replace quote with ("\" & quote) in pValue // the double quote
replace "/" with "\/" in pValue // the (forward) slash
replace tab with "\t" in pValue // the tab
replace return with "\n" in pValue // the return
return quote & pValue & quote
end switch
end toJsonValue


function arrayFromJson pJson
replace cr with empty in pJson
-- MDW-2013-09-23 faster trim
put word 1 to -1 of pJson into pJson
if pJson is empty then return "Parser Error: no content found in JSON string."
if first char of pJson is "{" and last char of pJson is "}" then
// root element in the JSON string is a JSON object
return arrayFromJsonObject(pJson)
else if first char of pJson is "[" and last char of pJson is "]" then
// root element in the JSON string is a JSON array
return arrayFromJsonArray(pJson)
// the root element cannot be identified as either JSON object or array
return "Parser Error: JSON array or object expected but not found."
end if
end arrayFromJson

This function returns a LiveCode array, based on data parsed from a JSON array.

@param pJson a string representing a valid JSON array, as per
@return a LiveCode array - numerically indexed, starting from '1'
private function arrayFromJsonArray pJson
-- MDW-2013-09-23 faster trim
put char 2 to -2 of (word 1 to -1 of pJson) into pJson
put listJsonTokens(pJson,comma) into pJson
if word 1 to 2 of pJson is "Parser Error:" then return pJson
local tArray, tKey, tValue
put 1 into tKey // we are going to produce a 1-based numerically-indexed array
repeat for each line tValue in pJson
put valueFromJson(tValue) into tValue
if word 1 to 2 of tValue is "Parser Error:" then return tValue
put tValue into tArray[tKey]
add 1 to tKey
end repeat
return tArray
end arrayFromJsonArray

This function returns a LiveCode array, based on data parsed from a JSON object.

@param pJson a string representing a valid JSON object, as per
@return a LiveCode array, where the JSON object's keys become the array's keys.
private function arrayFromJsonObject pJson
-- MDW-2013-09-23 faster trim
put char 2 to -2 of (word 1 to -1 of pJson) into pJson
// a JSON object is a comma-separated list of key:value pairs.
// first, we will split each key:value pair into a (return-separated) list:
put listJsonTokens(pJson,comma) into pJson
if word 1 to 2 of pJson is "Parser Error:" then return pJson
local tArray, tKey, tValue
repeat for each line tValue in pJson
// now we read each key:value pair into our array:
put listJsonTokens(tValue, ":") into tValue
if word 1 to 2 of tValue is "Parser Error:" then return tValue
put valueFromJson(line 1 of tValue) into tKey // line 1 contains the key
if word 1 to 2 of tKey is "Parser Error:" then return tKey
put valueFromJson(line 2 of tValue) into tValue // line 2 contains the value
if word 1 to 2 of tValue is "Parser Error:" then return tValue
put tValue into tArray[tKey]
end repeat
return tArray
end arrayFromJsonObject

This function is the 'heart' of the JSON parser: it takes a string representing
a valid JSON 'value' - as per - and returns the equivalent
LiveCode value.

@param pJson a string representing a valid JSON 'value', as per
@return the equivalent LiveCode value: JSON strings become strings, JSON numbers
become numbers, JSON booleans become booleans, JSON objects and arrays become
LiveCode arrays, JSON 'null' becomes empty. All escaped characters are
converted to their 'unescaped' equivalent characters, and hex-encoded unicode
escaped characters are converted to utf-8 characters.
private function valueFromJson pJson
case (first char of pJson is "[") and (last char of pJson is "]")
// this is a JSON array
return arrayFromJsonArray(pJson)
case (first char of pJson is "{") and (last char of pJson is "}")
// this is a JSON object
return arrayFromJsonObject(pJson)
case pJson is "true"
return true
case pJson is "false"
return false
case pJson is "null"
return empty
case (first char of pJson is quote) and (last char of pJson is quote)
// this is a JSON string
delete first char of pJson
delete last char of pJson
replace ("\" & quote) with quote in pJson
replace "\/" with "/" in pJson
replace "\t" with tab in pJson
// some JSON encoders escape a *single* return character as "\r\n":
replace "\r\n" with return in pJson
replace "\r" with return in pJson
replace "\n" with return in pJson
replace "\f" with return in pJson
replace "\\" with "\" in pJson
// some JSON encoders escape unicode characters as "\uHHHH",
// where 'H' is a hexadecimal digit:
local tCode, tChar
repeat while matchtext(pJson,"\\u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})",tCode)
set the useunicode to true
put unidecode(numtochar(baseconvert(tCode,16,10)),"UTF8") into tChar
replace ("\u" & tCode) with tChar in pJson
end repeat
// the 'delete' (or 'backspace') character is allowed to
// be included in a JSON string as well - if we find it,
// we should simply delete the character before it:
local tStart, tEnd
repeat while matchchunk(pJson, "(\\b)", tStart, tEnd)
delete char (tStart - 1) to tEnd of pJson
end repeat
return pJson
case pJson is a number
// we should check for a number value only *after* checking for a string,
// as in LiveCode both '"1"' and '1' evaluate as 'numbers'.
return pJson
// any other values that we have not been able to identify
// should issue a warning:
return "Parser Error: unable to identify JSON value type in" && pJson & "."
end switch
end valueFromJson

JSON arrays and objects can have strings, as well as other nested arrays and objects,
inside them. If we try to use LiveCode's built-in text parsing functions to try and
identify JSON 'items', then LiveCode will not take into consideration whether the
itemDelimiter is found inside a literal string or not, and the nesting of objects is
also ignored - making the parsing fail on most cases.
This function, therefore, will appropriately indentify JSON 'items' (= tokens), by
taking into consideration whether the itemDelimiter is inside a literal string or not -
and only splitting items when the delimiter is outside a literal string - and also taking
into consideration the nesting level of items - and only splitting items which are found
at the root level of the JSON string passed.

@param pJson a string representing a list of valid JSON values - per
@param pDelimiter a single-character itemDelimiter. If pJson contains the contents of a
JSON array, then pDelimiter should be a comma. If we are listing the
key-value pairs of a JSON object, then pDelimiter should be ":".
@return a return-separated list of JSON tokens found in pJson.
private function listJsonTokens pJson, pDelimiter
local tList, tNesting, tWithinString
local tTrimmedList
put false into tWithinString
put 0 into tNesting
if pDelimiter is empty then put comma into pDelimiter
local tChar
repeat for each char tChar in pJson
case tChar is quote
if not(tWithinString and (last char of tList is "\")) then
// if we are inside a literal string, and the last character is a backslash,
// then so this is an 'escaped quote character', ie. a '\"' sequence.
// If NOT, this is not an escaped literal quote, and it should
// automatically toggle our 'within string' flag:
put not tWithinString into tWithinString
end if
put tChar after tList
case tChar is in "{[" and not tWithinString
// tNesting indicates the nesting level of the object we are currently parsing.
// When we 'enter' an object, nesting increases by 1.
add 1 to tNesting
put tChar after tList
case tChar is in "]}" and not tWithinString
subtract 1 from tNesting
// tNesting indicates the nesting level of the object we are currently parsing.
// When we 'exit' an object, nesting decreases by 1. If, however, tNesting
// becomes -1, this indicates we came across a closing "]" or "}" without
// a matching opening bracket - malformed JSON:
if tNesting < 0 then
if tChar is "]" then return "Parser Error: unmatched JSON array closure."
if tChar is "}" then return "Parser Error: unmatched JSON object closure."
end if
put tChar after tList
case (tChar is pDelimiter) and (tNesting is 0) and (not tWithinString)
// we found a delimiter at root level, outside a literal string,
// so we should move to the next line in the list:
put return after tList
// all other characters should just be directly copied
// into the current position on the list:
put tChar after tList
end switch
end repeat
// 'trim' all lines in our list:
-- MDW-2013-09-23 faster repeat
repeat for each line tLine in tList
put (word 1 to -1 of tLine) & cr after tTrimmedList
end repeat
return tTrimmedList
end listJsonTokens

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