Centos 7 & PHP7.0 (from remi). Ready for nginx container mateothegreat/docker-centos-base-nginx using fastcgi (php-fpm).
To begin, clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/mateothegreat/docker-centos-base-php70
Replace '.' for the --volume switch if you do not want to mount in-place the current working directory. To start a container instance:
make run
which is the same as:
docker run -d \
--rm \
--volume .:/www \
--name nginx-php70 \
Update Dockerfile to your liking and run:
make build
RUN rpm -Uvh http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm && \
yum install -y php70-php \
php70-php-bcmath \
php70-php-cli \
php70-php-common \
php70-php-devel \
php70-php-fpm \
php70-php-gd \
php70-php-gmp \
php70-php-intl \
php70-php-json \
php70-php-mbstring \
php70-php-mcrypt \
php70-php-mysqlnd \
php70-php-opcache \
php70-php-pdo \
php70-php-pear \
php70-php-process \
php70-php-pspell \
php70-php-xml \
php70-php-pecl-imagick \
php70-php-pecl-mysql \
php70-php-pecl-uploadprogress \
php70-php-pecl-uuid \