This repository contains the implementation of my final year project conducted as part of my Computer Science BSc degree at King's College London.
The process of developing APIs requires extensive programming and technical experience. EasyAPI uses more accessible methods to enable anyone to create an API with an underlying database. Firstly, you can build a database from a description of a domain written in natural language. The database schema is extracted by utilising dependency parsing with SpaCy and tree traversing to extract entities and relationships. Alternatively, the database schema can be extracted from a spreadsheet. (Project report)
The following dependencies are required:
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd easyapi
Install NLP dependencies:
cd backend/src/nlp
pipenv install
pipenv shell
python -m spacy download en
Install backend server dependencies:
cd backend
yarn install
Install frontend dependencies:
cd frontend
yarn install
Start the following processes separately:
Run NLP server:
python3 backend/src/nlp/
Run backend server:
cd backend && yarn start
Run frontend application:
cd frontend && yarn start