//// //DEPRECATED// Pease use the universal driver work with Linux base computer/TCP-Serial adapert (@jrperson working on a micro controler option wiht added functionalities) https://github.com/martinezmp3/Hubitat-Monoprice-6-zone-controller-TCP-IP-Serial //// //****************// //DEPRECATED// Pease use the universal driver work with Linux base computer/TCP-Serial adapert (@jrperson working on a micro controler option wiht added functionalities) https://github.com/martinezmp3/Hubitat-Monoprice-6-zone-controller-TCP-IP-Serial
//// //// //DEPRECATED// Pease use the universal driver work with Linux base computer/TCP-Serial adapert (@jrperson working on a micro controler option wiht added functionalities) https://github.com/martinezmp3/Hubitat-Monoprice-6-zone-controller-TCP-IP-Serial
//// //// //DEPRECATED// Pease use the universal driver work with Linux base computer/TCP-Serial adapert (@jrperson working on a micro controler option wiht added functionalities) https://github.com/martinezmp3/Hubitat-Monoprice-6-zone-controller-TCP-IP-Serial //****************//
Hubitat Drivers Driver for Hubitat Elevation Hub
(this is a work in progress any feed back will be really appreciate)
What you need:
- A Hubitat Hub
- A Raspberry Pi (with Ethernet connectivity and in the same network of your hub)
- A USB to Serial cable
- ser2net.py by Pavel Revak https://github.com/pavelrevak/ser2tcp
Instalation instructions
- Install Raspbian OS any version (https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/)
- If you want headless “no keyboard, mouse or screen” (https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/headless.md)
- Connect USB to Serial from Raspberry Pi to the amp and power on your Raspberry pi
- Get access to your console via ssh I use putty but any will work
- Install python pip “sudo apt-get install python-pip”
- Install pyserial “pip install pyserial”
- cd /home/pi/
- wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pavelrevak/ser2tcp/master/ser2tcp.py
- chmod +x /home/pi/ser2tcp.py
- sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/ser2tcp.service
- copy and paste:
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Unit] Description=sevice for serial to tcp or telnet server, ser2net python. by Pavel Revak After=multi-user.target
[Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/ser2tcp.py /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 NONE -l 0:23 Restart=on-abort
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/ser2tcp.service
- sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- sudo systemctl enable ser2tcp.service
- sudo systemctl start ser2tcp.service
- Open up the MonoPrice-6-Zone-Amp-Controller.groovy and copy Ctrl+a and Ctrl+c (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/martinezmp3/Hubitat-Monoprice-6-zone-controller-TCP-IP-Serial/master/Parent-MonoPrice-6-Zone-Amp-Controller.groovy)
- In your hub web page, select the "Drivers Code" section and then click the "+ New Driver" button
- Click in the editor window. Then PASTE all of the code you copied in the previous step.
- Click the SAVE button in the editor window
- Open up the MonoPrice-6-Zone-Amp-Controller.groovy and copy Ctrl+a and Ctrl+c (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/martinezmp3/Hubitat-Monoprice-6-zone-controller-TCP-IP-Serial/master/Child-MonoPrice-6-Zone-Amp-Controller.groovy)
- Go back to your hub web page, select the "Drivers Code" section and then click the "+ New Driver" button
- Click in the editor window. Then PASTE all of the code you copied in the previous step.
- Click the SAVE button in the editor window
- In the hubitat web page, select the "Devices" section, and then click the "Add Virtual Device" button in the top right corner.
- In the window that appears, please fill in the "Device Name", "Device Label"
- In the type filed look for Parent MonoPrice 6 Zone Amp Controller
- Click save Device
- In the Preferences section ip = ip of the Raspberry Pi, port = port in the scrip (unless you changed should be 23), Number of amp is if you have more than one amp (not implemented yet)
- Click save
- If everything went well you should all the zones will show up as childs (this is a work in progress any feed back will be really appreciate)