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A React application that allows users to search the Pexels photo library for relevant images.


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Pexels X React

A React application that allows users to search for images using the Pexels photo library.
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About The Project

Project Screenshot

This project is a website that lets users browse and search for photos from Pexels, a free stock photo and video website that anyone can use or contribute to.

A production deployment of this project can be viewed at

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Built With

Babel, Create React App, CSS3, ES6, ESLint, GitHub, Google Chrome, HTML5, JavaScript, Jest, Markdown, Netlify, Node.js, npm, pre-commit, Prettier, React, stylelint, webpack


  • React is an open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components.

Create React App

  • Create React App takes care of setting up and configuring a new React application with useful defaults, eliminating a lot of boilerplate code. It also integrates Jest and React-Testing-Library into the application, making it easy to setup unit tests down the road.


  • Netlify is an all-in-one platform for automating modern web projects. On this project, I used it to securely send requests to the Pexels API without exposing the API key to the end user.

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Getting Started

To set up and run a local copy of this project on your own machine, do the following:

1. Install Prerequisites

Node.js is a back-end runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser, and npm is its default package manager. Both must be installed locally in order to run this project.

  • Node.js

    The recommended way of installing Node.js is with a Node version manager. Different operating systems use different Node version managers:

    Node version managers for OSX and Linux:

    Node version managers for Windows:

    Choose an appropriate Node version manager for your operating system and follow the installation instructions linked above to install both the version manager and Node.js.

    To confirm that Node.js has been installed successfully, run the following command to check the installed version:

    node -v
  • npm

    Once Node.js is installed, download and install the latest version of npm by running the following command from the command line:

    npm install npm@latest -g

    To confirm that npm has been installed successfully, run the following command to check the installed version:

    npm -v

For additional information or help installing Node.js, npm, and Node version managers, consult the official npm documentation on Downloading and installing Node.js and npm.

2. Clone the GitHub Repository and Install Dependencies

The GitHub repository for this project can be found at

Click on the "Code" button and select which method to use to clone the repository: HTTPS, SSH, the GitHub CLI, or Download a ZIP file.

To clone the repository using the GitHub CLI, run the following command from the command line:

gh repo clone marshall-strong/pexels-photo-search-react

Navigate into the project's root directory:

cd pexels-photo-search-react

Install project dependencies:

npm install

3. Acquire an API Key

All of the images this site displays are retrieved from Pexels, and are requested and received via the Pexels API. An API key is required in order to interact with the Pexels API. A Pexels API Key is NOT included in this repository -- you must get your own (free) API key from Pexels.

Follow these steps to register with Pexels and obtain a Pexels API Key:

  • Create a free Pexels account at
  • Click the "I want to download" button
  • Enter your personal information, then click the "Create New Account" button
  • Complete your account setup by opening the email sent to you by Pexels and clicking the "Confirm email" button
  • Go to and click the "Your API Key" button
  • Fill out the form, agree to the Terms of Service, and click the "Generate API Key" button
  • Copy the API key and save it somewhere safe -- you will need it in the next section

The API key should be a 56 character string of numbers and lowercase letters.

example: sample0api0key123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0000000

If you ever lose or misplace your API key, you can retrieve it by logging in to your Pexels account.

4. Add the API Key to the Project

In development mode, the Pexels API Key is stored in a .env file and saved as an environment variable. This .env file should NOT be committed to GitHub, and is not a secure way to store API keys in a production environment.

Create a new file named .env inside of the react-frontend sub-directory:

touch react-frontend/.env

Add your Pexels API Key to the .env file as an environmental variable named PEXELS_API_KEY:

echo "PEXELS_API_KEY=sample0api0key123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0000000" > react-frontend/.env

Once you are done, your .env file should look like this:

// pexels-photo-search-react/react-frontend/.env

PEXELS_API_KEY = sample0api0key123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0000000;

The file pexels-photo-search-react/react-frontend/example.env is an example .env file with a fake API Key that you can use as a guide when creating your own .env file with your own API Key.

5. Run the Project

Start the project by running the npm start command from the root directory of the GitHub repository:

npm start

This command is a shortcut that uses Create React App's built-in scripts to start the development server and compile the project using webpack. At the same time, Netlify Dev starts another, separate server to load the Netlify Functions onto, and it makes the environment variables defined in the .env file available to the Netlify Functions server (but NOT to the Create React App server). Even in Development mode, this will hide the Pexels API key from users on the client side.

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The site fetches photos using the Pexels API without exposing the API key to end users

Sending a request to the Pexels API requires a key, and if the request is created and sent from inside of the Create React App application, the API key will end up being exposed to any site users with access to Chrome DevTools. Netlify provides a solution to this problem. A netlify function is a function that can be used to execute server-side code without having to deploy your own server. Under the hood, Netlify functions indirectly use AWS's serverless Lambda functions to run on-demand server-side code.

The site displays images using a "masonry" layout

The Gallery component displays photos in a masonry layout, where photos are arranged to completely fill out rows without compromising the images' aspect ratios.

The site initially displays photos from the Pexels "Curated Photos" endpoint

When the site loads for the first time, the photos it displays in the Gallery component are retrieved from Pexels' "Curated Photos" endpoint.

The site accepts a query string from the user and returns relevent photos from the Pexels "Search for Photos" endpoint

The SearchForm component accepts a search query from the user in the form of text input, then sends the user's query to the Pexels "Search for Photos" endpoint. Pexels responds with photos relevent to the user's search query, and those photos get displayed in the Gallery component.

On hovering over a photo, the photographer's name and website are displayed

Hovering over a Photo in the Gallery component brings up the name of the photographer who took the picture. Clicking on the photographer's name will open a link to the photographer's Pexels profile, where users can view more of the photographer's work.

Clicking a photo opens a full-size version in a new tab

Clicking on one of the Photo components in the Gallery will open a new window where the user can view a full-size version of the image on the Pexels website.

Pagination buttons allow users to navigate search results 10 images at a time without refreshing the site

The Pagination components contain "Previous Page" and "Next Page" buttons that allow users to paginate through the photos returned by the Pexels API 10 at a time, and without refreshing the page. If the user is on the first page and there is no previous page, the "Previous Page" button will be disabled. If the user is on the last page of their search results and there is not a next page, the "Next Page" button will be disabled.

Users' search query and current pagination are not lost if the site is refreshed

LocalStorage retains the user's search query and/or page number so that the Gallery photos are not reset if the page is refreshed.

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Project Style

This project uses a variety of linters and code formatters to enforce a consistent code style and formatting across the entire project. Rather than constantly fiddling with style and formatting while writing code, linters and code formatters are setup as Git hook scripts that run before each Git commit is saved. If any problems are identified, the commit will not be saved, and the user will be prompted to resolve any errors before the changes can be committed to the repository.


Pre-commit is a framework for managing a developer's Git hooks. It runs hook scripts (like linters) before each commit, and prompts the developer to fix any issues that are found before the commit can be saved. Pre-commit enables developers to use linters written in any language, regardless of which language the project itself is written in.

Using pre-commit

Instructions for installing, configuring, and using pre-commit can be found here:

Briefly, here is how the framework is set up and used:

# install `pre-commit` with pip
pip install pre-commit

# generate a sample configuration file named `pre-commit-config.yaml` (will end up getting modified)
pre-commit sample-config > .pre-commit-config.yaml

# install the git hook scripts in your repository
pre-commit install

# all `pre-commit` hooks will now run before each and every Git commit!

# manually run `pre-commit` on all files in the repository
pre-commit run --all-files

# use the `--no-verify` flag to save a single commit WITHOUT running the `pre-commit` Git hooks
git commit -m 'ignore any problems the hook scripts may find and just save the commit' --no-verify

Example console output after installing and configuring pre-commit:

$ pip install pre-commit --upgrade
$ pre-commit --version
pre-commit 2.13.0
$ cd pexels-photo-search-react
$ pre-commit sample-config > .pre-commit-config.yaml
$ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
$ pre-commit run --all-files

Example .pre-commit-config.yaml configuration file:

# pexels-photo-search-react/.pre-commit-config.yaml

  - repo:
    rev: v3.4.0
      - id: trailing-whitespace
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
      - id: check-yaml
      - id: check-added-large-files
  - repo:
    rev: "v2.7.1" # Note: Use the sha / tag you want to point at
      - id: prettier
  - repo:
    rev: "v14.10.0" # Note: Use the sha / tag you want to point at
      - id: stylelint
        args: [--fix]
          # Note: stylelint itself (and not a mirror) needs to be used here when using additional_dependencies.
          - stylelint@latest
          - stylelint-config-standard@latest
          - stylelint-config-idiomatic-order@latest
          - stylelint-config-prettier@latest

pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks Some out-of-the-box hooks for pre-commit


Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that enforces conventions automatically.

The official prettier/prettier Official Prettier repository

pre-commit/mirrors-prettier Mirrors all prettier/prettier releases, used by Pre-commit to run the prettier hook


Stylelint is a linter that identifies errors and enforces conventions in a project's stylesheets.

Use npx to run Stylelint at any time (not just when saving a commit):

$ cd pexels-photo-search-react
$ npx stylelint "react-frontend/src/**/*.css" --fix

stylelint/stylelint Official Stylelint repository

stylelint/stylelint-config-standard The standard shareable config for Stylelint

ream88/stylelint-config-idiomatic-order Orders styles using consistent, idiomatic CSS

prettier/stylelint-config-prettier Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with prettier

thibaudcolas/pre-commit-stylelint Mirrors all stylelint/stylelint releases, used by Pre-commit to run the stylelint hook


markdownlint is a Node.js linter that identifies errors and enforces conventions in a project's Markdown files.

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Jest is a JavaScript testing framework put out by Facebook and designed for unit testing React components.

This project has basic unit tests for each component -- Add more Unit Testing with Jest for all React components is part of the Project Roadmap for future development.

Playwright is a framework by Microsoft that enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps.

Installing Playwright

npm init playwright@latest

Tests are located in the /tests subdirectory.

The /tests-examples subdirectory contains example end-to-end tests for a Demo "Todo" App.

The Playwright Test configuration can be updated in playwright.config.js.

Running Unit Tests with Jest

To run this project's unit tests using Jest, run the following command:

npm test

This project was built using Create React App, so Jest is already built into the app. When npm test is run from the root directory, Node navigates into the React project subdirectory and runs Jest using react-scripts test.

At this point in time, the only Unit Tests for this project are basic smoke tests for each component. Part of the Project Roadmap for future development is to add more robust unit testing for all React components.

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Production Deployment

This project is deployed to Production directly from GitHub using Netlify. A live version of the site can be viewed here.

Note: In Production mode, Netlify expects to recieve the Pexels API key as an environment variable, just like in Development mode. The difference is where that environment variable is read from. In Development mode, Netlify Dev reads the key from the .env configuration file. In contrast, in Production, mode environment variables must be configured using the Netlify dashboard. Go to "Site settings" > "Build & deploy" > "Environment".

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Project Roadmap

Plans for future development, testing, and features:

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated!

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue.

If you found this project helpful, don't forget to give it a star!

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Want to get in touch? Email me at or reach out on LinkedIn.

Interesting in checking out some of the other projects I've worked on?

Visit for a full list, as well as my resume and work experience.

Thanks for reading!!!

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  • pre-commit
    • runs Git hook scripts before each commit and prompts the user to fix any issues before the commit can be saved
  • Prettier
    • Automatically formats code and enforces style conventions
  • Stylelint
    • Identifies errors and enforces conventions in a project's stylesheets
    • Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format

Resources and How-Tos

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A React application that allows users to search the Pexels photo library for relevant images.








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