Trigger switches based on security sensors like motion or door sensors if certain preconditions are met (eg. luminosity below a certain level). Lets you specify multiple devices to trigger and check, a delay for turning off lights and multiple preconditions to check. This module will ensure that devices are not triggered if any of the selected devices is already turned on.
Multiple devices that should be triggered. Trigger will not be fired if any of these devices is already turned on.
Security sensors that trigger lights. It is sufficient for one security sensor to be triggered for the lights to be turned on.
Trigger timeout duration after the last security sensor has been untripped. (in seconds)
Multiple optional conditions to check before a switch will be triggered. Luminosity sensors, and the Astronomy module from are particularly well suited to be included in such condition checks. Can also be used to prevent triggering lights if any other light is already switched on.
Multiple time periods when the motion trigger should be active. Time in HH:MM format
Multiple devices to check. Must be either a binary or a multilevel sensor.
Operators to be used for the multilevel checks
Values to be used for the precondition checks
If this option is enabled, all preconditions will be rechecked regularly. Otherwise preconditions will be only checked once when the light is about to be triggered
Sets how the dimmer level should be determined.
- Full: Sets dimmers to 100% (default)
- Static: Sets the dimmer level to a user-defined value
- Code: Executes a user-provided JavaScript code to calculate the dimmer level
- Dynamic: Calculate dimmer based on luminosity
Poll sensors interval while triggered. Will not poll if empty or 0.
Optional delay to trigger lights.
This module creates a virtual binary switch device to turn on/off the trigger. Current operation mode (triggered, on, off) is indicated by the icon color. metrics:level stores the mode of the trigger, and metrics:triggered weather a device is currently triggered or not.
Emits an event whenever a light is switched on or off. ie. Allows other motion triggers, to act immediately after one trigger has been switched off.
Install the BaseModule from first
The prefered way of installing this module is via the " App Store" available in 2.2.0 and higher. For stable module releases no access token is required. If you want to test the latest pre-releases use 'k1_beta' as app store access token.
For developers and users of older Zway versions installation via git is recommended.
cd /opt/z-way-server/automation/userModules
git clone MotionTrigger --branch latest
To update or install a specific version
cd /opt/z-way-server/automation/userModules/MotionTrigger
git fetch --tags
# For latest released version
git checkout tags/latest
# For a specific version
git checkout tags/1.02
# For development version
git checkout -b master --track origin/master
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.