Compatibility tests for AWS S3 object-storage providers. A reboot of
⚠️ See allso: Github Workflown Usage and Docker Image Usage.
# use profiles: do-nyc and aws-east
# to run tests: 011 (List Buckets), 053 (Upload Files) and 061 (List Objects)
# with only the aws-cli client and passing --fail-fast to shellspec
./bin/ --profiles do-nyc,aws-east --clients aws --tests 11,53,61 -- --fail-fast
The tests assumes that you have configured all cli tools (aws-cli, rclone and mgc) with the same
profile names. And tests like the ACL ones that needs 2 profiles uses a convention of the second
one being named <name-of-one-profile>-second
Tests are classified in groups by functionality, you can test selected groups by using the
option of the script:
./bin/ --profiles br-ne1 --clients aws --categories BucketSharing,ColdStorage
# use profiles: br-ne1 and br-se1
# to run all tests from spec/js/*.test.ts
# passing additional bun test arguments after -- (double dash)
./bin/ --profiles br-ne1,br-se1 -- --bail
# use profiles: br-ne1 and br-se1
# to run all tests from spec/boto3/test_*.py
# passing pytest arguments after -- (double dash)
./bin/ --profiles br-ne1,br-se1 -- ./spec/boto3/test_*.py
To make the process of setting multiple profiles on multiple tools less manual,
there is a shell script that replaces existing config files with new ones created using data
from a single profiles.yaml
generic config, use profiles.example.yaml
as an example:
Below is a list of proposed tests to run against S3-compatible object storage providers in order to check compatibility between those providers and existing S3 clients.
As of March 2024, most of them are unimplemented, so consider this table a TODO list, it's here to make it easy to reference specific human-readable descriptions to a test number.
Test ID | Category | Test Description | Implementation |
001 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
002 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket with name with space | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
003 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket with name with just letters | REVIEW |
004 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket with name with just letters in Uppercase | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
005 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket with name with just letters in Lowercase | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
006 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket with name with just numbers | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
007 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket with name with just special characters | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
008 | Bucket Management | Create Bucket with combination of letters and numbers | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
009 | Bucket Management | Try to create Bucket with low than 3 characters in the name | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
010 | Bucket Management | Try to create bucket with high than 64 characters in the name | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone |
011 | Bucket Management | List Buckets | |
012 | Bucket Management | Verify the number of objects | |
013 | Bucket Management | Verify the informations in the list | |
014 | Bucket Management | Verify the size of buckets | |
015 | Bucket Management | Delete Buckets empty | |
016 | Bucket Management | Delete Buckets with Objects | |
017 | Bucket Management | Delete buckets in batch | |
018 | Bucket Permission | Create public bucket | |
019 | Bucket Permission | Access the public bucket and check the list of objects | |
020 | Bucket Permission | Access the public bucket and check the access of objects | |
021 | Bucket Permission | Create private bucket | |
022 | Bucket Permission | Access the private bucket and check the list of objects | |
023 | Bucket Permission | Create a ACL read for a bucket | |
024 | Bucket Permission | Access the Private with ACL bucket with and check the list of objects | |
025 | Bucket Permission | Access the Private with ACL bucket and check the access of objects | |
026 | Bucket Permission | Create a ACL read/write for a bucket | |
027 | Bucket Permission | Create ACL in a batch for more than 2 ppl with option of R and R/W differents | |
028 | Bucket Permission | Access the Private with ACL bucket with and check the list of objects | |
029 | Bucket Permission | Access the Private with ACL bucket and check the access of objects | |
030 | Bucket Permission | Delete public bucket | |
031 | Bucket Permission | Delete private bucket | |
032 | Bucket Permission | Delete private with ACL bucket | |
033 | Bucket Sharing | Copy URL for public buckets | |
034 | Bucket Sharing | Validate the URL for public buckets | |
035 | Bucket Sharing | Set a presigned URL for a private bucket | |
036 | Bucket Sharing | Validate the URL of presigned | |
037 | Bucket Sharing | Set a presigned URL for a private with ACL bucket | |
038 | Bucket Sharing | Validate the URL of presigned for the ACL bucket | |
039 | Object Versioning | Set the versioning for a public bucket | |
040 | Object Versioning | Set the versioning for a private bucket | |
041 | Object Versioning | Set the versioning for a bucket with ACL | |
042 | Object Versioning | Upload object to versioning in the public bucket | |
043 | Object Versioning | Upload object to versioning in the private bucket | |
044 | Object Versioning | Upload object to versioning in the private ACL bucket | |
045 | Object Versioning | Download object to versioning in the public bucket | |
046 | Object Versioning | Donwload object to versioning in the private bucket | |
047 | Object Versioning | Download object to versioning in the private ACL bucket | |
048 | Object Versioning | Delete Bucket versioned | |
049 | Object Versioning | Delete object with versions | |
050 | Object Versioning | Delete bucket with objects with versions | |
051 | Object Versioning | Delete versions | |
052 | Object Versioning | Delete versions in batch | |
053 | Object Management | Upload Files | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
054 | Big Objects | Upload Files of 1GB | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
055 | Big Objects | Upload Files of 5GB | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
056 | Big Objects | Upload Files of 10GB | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
057 | Object Management | Download Files | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
058 | Big Objects | Download Files of 1GB | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
059 | Big Objects | Download Files of 5GB | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
060 | Big Objects | Download Files of 10GB | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
061 | Object Management | List Objects | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
062 | Object Management | Delete Objects | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
063 | Object Management | Delete objects in batch | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
064 | Object Management | Delete object veresioned | aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc |
065 | Object Management | Pause upload of multiparts | |
066 | Object Management | Pause download of multiparts | |
067 | Object Management | Abort upload of multiparts | |
068 | Object Management | Abort download of multiparts | |
069 | Object Management | Resume upload of multiparts | |
070 | Object Management | Resume download of multiparts | |
071 | Object Management | Delete parts of incomplete objects | |
072 | Authorization | Create an API Key | REVIEW |
073 | Authorization | Create an API Key in a delegated account | REVIEW |
074 | Authorization | Validate authorization using API Key | REVIEW |
075 | Authorization | Validate authorization by delegation | REVIEW |
076 | Authorization | Revogate an API Key | REVIEW |
077 | Authorization | Validate authorization using API Key | REVIEW |
078 | Authorization | Create a new account and create a new api key | REVIEW |
079 | Authorization | Validate authorization using API Key of new accounts | REVIEW |
080 | Security and compliance | Validate criptography | REVIEW |
081 | Security and compliance | Validate Takedown process | REVIEW |
082 | Metering | Validate metering of storage in GB/h | REVIEW |
083 | Metering | Validate metering of egress transfer in GB | REVIEW |
084 | Cold Storage | Upload object using storage class | |
085 | Cold Storage | List object includes storage class | |
086 | Cold Storage | Multipart upload with storage class | |
087 | Cold Storage | Change the storage class of an object (copy to same bucket with same key, but different storage class) | |
088 | Cold Storage | Upload object with storage class and metadata | |
089 | Cold Storage | Upload object with storage class and ACL | |
090 | Bucket Management | Unique bucket | |
091 | Bucket Policy | A lot of scenarios with bucket policy | |
092 | Bucket Tagging | A lot of scenarios with bucket tagging | |
093 | Big Buckets | Delete large bucket | |
095 | Account | Limit of buckets | |
096 | Account | Tests with read only | |
097 | Account | Takedown user | |
094 | Objects Management | Benchmark validate exists | |
098 | Bucket Management | Invalid name validation | |
099 | Object Management | Invalid Object keys | |
100 | Benchmark | Benchmark test CRUD | |
102 | Object Locking | Bucket Lock | |
201 | Service Accounts | All SA tests | |
202 | Service Accounts | Account with Limited Privileges | |
203 | Service Accounts | Bucket policies |