Gathers geography related data from different sources and merge it to different formats.
Country GeoJSON with following precision:
- 10m
- 50m
- 110m
- area
- borders
- capital city (en only)
- latlng
- [] geo.json
- [] topo.json
- [] svg flag
- XML CLDR downloads
- JSON Github, repos structure
Main Locales
af agq ak am ar as asa ast az
bas be bem bez bg bm bn bo br brx bs
ca ccp ce cgg chr ckb cs cu cy
da dav de dje dsb dua dyo dz
ebu ee el en eo es et eu ewo
fa ff fi fil fo fr fur fy
ga gd gl gsw gu guz gv
ha haw he hi hr hsb hu hy
id ig ii is it
ja jgo jmc
ka kab kam kde kea khq ki kk kkj kl kln km kn ko kok ks ksb ksf ksh kw ky
lag lb lg lkt ln lo lrc lt lu luo luy lv
mas mer mfe mg mgh mgo mk ml mn mr ms mt mua my mzn
naq nb nd nds ne nl nmg nn nnh nus nyn
om or os
pa pl prg ps pt
rm rn ro rof ru rw rwk
sah saq sbp sd se seh ses sg shi si sk sl smn sn so sq sr sv sw
ta te teo tg th ti tk to tr tt twq tzm
ug uk ur uz
vai vi vo vun
wae wo
yav yi yo
zgh zh zu
See complete Locale list for more details
country ISO code
currency data: period of usage
telephone country codes
territory grouping (e.g. EU, UN)
- population
- literacy %
- language - population % - status: official / regional official
week data:
- first day
- weekend start/end
Gregorian calendar:
- month
- day
- dateFormats
- timeFormats
localized capital names (timezones exemplarCity)
localized language names
[] localized script names
localized territory names
- currency names, symbol
Output the data for the World Geography Game project.
- List of languages with translated name
- List of translated continent name by locale
- Translated game data (country name, capital) by continent by locale
- Status (count, pct, missing) of the support of one language compared to English
- GeoJson files (generic data, nothing translated)
See revision notes for CLDR 32:
Known Issues 3. Subdivision Names The draft subdivision names were imported from wikidata. Names that had characters outside of the language's exemplars were excluded for now. Names that would cause collisions were allowed, but marked with superscripted numbers. The goal is to clean up these names over time.
The targeted locale is taken from user input. The following sources use the locale in the path:
- cldr-dates-full
- cldr-localenames-full
- cldr-numbers-full
The variations are big enough not to be handled in a case by case basis.
The first part of the locale is lowercase, the second varies: az-Cyrl
, en-150
Special thanks to the following libraries and developers!