Welcome to my Neovim configurations repository! These configurations are tailored for coding in TypeScript, JavaScript, Rust, and Go, aimed at providing an efficient and pleasant development experience.
To install these configurations, you can use the following command:
git clone https://github.com/manu0466/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
These are the plugins I currently use in my Neovim setup:
- autoclose: Automatically close brackets, quotes, and more.
- bufferline: Enhances the Neovim buffer display.
- codeium: Free copilot alternative.
- fidget: Display LSP informations.
- git-fugitive: Git integration within Neovim.
- gitsigns: Git integration for buffers.
- lazygit: A simple TUI for Git, accessible within Neovim.
- lsp-zero: LSP support.
- lualine: A fast and customizable statusline.
- nvim-colorizer: Highlight color codes in buffers.
- nvim-tree: A file explorer for Neovim.
- nvmi-ts-autotag: Auto-closes HTML/XML tags.
- nvterm: Terminal plugin.
- telescope: A highly extensible fuzzy finder.
- treesitter-playground: Play with Treesitter queries.
- treesitter: Powerful syntax tree-sitter.
- trouble: Troubleshooting tool for code errors.
- undotree: Visualize and manage undo history.
- vim-sleauth: Heuristically set buffer options.
- which-key: Keybinding help while you type.
Feel free to explore and adapt these configurations to your own workflow. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out!