This repository contains the source code and implementation of a Supermarket Management System, a C++ GUI based application. The system enables efficient management of a supermarket, billing system, and product management. The application provides separate login functionalities for admin and buyers, allowing admin to oversee supermarket operations like add/delete/modify the product, while buyers can enjoy personalized shopping experiences.
The admin can add new products to the supermarket inventory. The system also checks if the product already exists in the inventory based on the product code, ensuring unique entries.
The admin can modify the details of existing products, such as changing the name, price, discount, and quantity. The system verifies if the product exists in the inventory before allowing modifications.
The admin can delete products that are no longer available in the supermarket. This helps keep the inventory up to date and removes discontinued products.
The admin can view a comprehensive list of all products in the supermarket. This list provides information about each product, including details like the name, price, discount, and quantity available.
The buyer can view a list of available products in the supermarket. This list provides information about each product, including details such as the name, price, discount, and quantity available.
The buyer can add products to their shopping cart. They can select the desired quantity of a product and add it to their cart for purchase.
After completing the purchase, the buyer receives a bill receipt. The receipt includes details of the purchased items, their quantities, individual prices, any applicable discounts, and the total amount payable.
C++(programming language)
Visual Studio Community 2022
Version 17.6