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Simple todo list in your command-line ✅
Usage • Installation • Development • Roadmap • FAQ • Support
Usage: todo.exe [operation] [arguments]
list (l) : Display all current items.
add (a) [item] : Add a new item.
remove (r) [id] : Remove an item by its ID.
edit (e) [id] [item] : Edit an item by its ID.
done (d) [id] : Toggle its done state by ID.
clear : Remove all items.
Download the release
Coming soon ⏳
cargo build --release
- Maybe support multiple lists 💾
- Sub todo items
- E.g:
todo edit 1 -sub "Bread"
- 1 Buy groceries
- Bread
- 1 Buy groceries
- E.g:
- Clear all done items by default
todo clear --all/--force
to clear all items
- Add undo / redo functionality
- Move this roadmap to GitHub issues / features
- On Windows:
- On Linux: Coming soon
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