- 💬 Ask me about **💡 Creative Meticulous web developer with more than 4.5 years of front-end & back-end experience and passion for responsive website design working with JavaScript stack involves Angular, ReactJS and NodeJS.
Who I'm? ✍️ Author of Angular package which cross 5k+ downloads. 🥇Gold Medalist in BS Software Engineering. 💯 Scored with 2.8K+ points on Stack overflow. 📚 Medium Blogs exceeds 7K+ reads. 🏆 85% marks achieved in AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner.
Top tech Giants: Associated with market leaders like Keeptruckin, ConnectWise, LLC, VentureDive etc.
Let's start building your amazing project today 🚀**
- 📫 How to reach me
- 📱 Contact me at whatsapp +923054314377