In this workshop we will look into creating visually encrypted messages with the help of python scripts. Visual Cryptography was developed in the 90s, and could be a low-energy-footprint alternative to algorithmic encryptions since it requires far less computational input. Briefly, Visual Cryptography is based on the principal of an image split up into n shares so that only someone with all n shares could decrypt that image Participants will be invited to make visually encrypted messages by following a detailed tutorial prior to our online meeting. The tutorial will include how-tos for converting messages (from text, numbers, barcodes) to images, links to download and install free software tools, and resources for further reading on how Visual Cryptography works with pixel color splitting/swapping. During the online call, we will look at the participants results, questions and any other feedback on the workshop’s content. Optionally, participants are also welcome to share their encrypted messages via email among them, prior to our online call.
Duration: 40min
Number of participants: up to 10 during a call, many more over a chat.