This gem provides tools for working with Talis Aspire APIs to manage reading lists. It implements a data model for the common API objects (list, section, item, resource etc.) and provides a mechanism for caching API data for offline access.
- Installation
- Usage
- Development
- Contributing
- License
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'aspire'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install aspire
This gem provides tools for working with the Talis Aspire Linked Data API and the newer Authenticated (JSON) APIs.
To use the Authenticated (JSON) APIs, you will need to request an API key and secret from Talis (more).
Credentials, tenancy URLs and other client-specific details are encapsulated by API objects which are passed to other classes.
To create a Linked Data API instance:
require 'aspire'
# Create and configure a logger if required, or pass nil to disable logging
require 'logger'
logger =
# Set the timeout in seconds for API calls, or 0 to disable (wait indefinitely).
# Large lists (several hundred items) may take up to 30 seconds so adjust this
# according to your requirements.
timeout = 10
# Tenancy configuration
# - these settings specify the base components of resource URIs; all are
# optional and default to values derived from the tenancy code
# linked_data_root is the root URI of URIs returned in linked data responses
# (defaults to https://<tenancy-code>
linked_data_root = ''
# tenancy_host_aliases is a list of host name aliases which may appear in
# resource URIs
tenancy_host_aliases = ['']
# tenancy_root is the canonical root URI of the tenancy
# (defaults to https://<tenancy_code>
tenancy_root = ''
# Create the Linked Data API instance
# - replace 'tenancy_code' with the appropriate value for your Aspire tenancy,
# e.g. 'myinstitution'
ld_api = Aspire::API::LinkedData('tenancy_code',
linked_data_root: linked_data_root,
tenancy_host_aliases: tenancy_host_aliases,
tenancy_root: tenancy_root,
logger: logger, timeout: timeout)
To create an Authenticated (JSON) API instance:
require 'aspire'
# Set the logger and timeout as above
logger = ...
timeout = ...
# Create the JSON API instance
# - replace 'api_client_id', 'api_secret' and 'tenancy_code' with appropriate
# values for your Aspire tenancy
json_api ='api_client_id', 'api_secret', 'tenancy_code',
logger: logger, timeout: timeout)
# Call a JSON API endpoint
The Aspire::Caching::Cache
class mediates access to the Aspire APIs,
storing API responses on disk and returning the cached copies on subsequent
accesses. This is intended to serve as both a means of backing up Aspire data
locally and as a means of speeding up slow API calls.
require 'aspire'
# Create Linked Data and JSON API instances
ld_api =
json_api =
# Create the cache at the specified path
# The following optional keyword arguments are accepted:
# - clear: if true, remove and recreate the cache path
# (default: false)
# - logger: a Logger instance for logging, or nil to disable
# (default: nil)
# - mode: the octal file permissions for the cache directory
# (default: 0o0750)
cache =, json_api, '/path/to/cache/root',
clear: false,
mode: 0o0700)
The cache is mainly intended for internal use by the data model but can be used by clients of this gem if required.
# An Aspire linked data URI resource
uri = ''
# Read an Aspire linked data URI, returning the parsed JSON data as a Hash
# - use_api: if true, when a URI is not already in the cache, read data from
# the Aspire API and write it to the cache
# (default: true)
# - use_cache: if true, read data from the cache before trying the Aspire API
# (default: true)
# - json: if true, read data from the JSON API, otherwise use the Linked
# Data API
# (default: false)
data =, json: false, use_api: true, use_cache: true) \
do |data, entry, from_cache, json|
# The block is called only if data is read from the cache or API
# The parameters are:
# - data = the parsed JSON data for the resource
# - entry = an ```Aspire::Caching::CacheEntry``` instance
# representing the cached entry (for internal use)
# - from_cache = true if the data was retrieved from the cache,
# false if from the API
# - json = true if the data is from the JSON API,
# false if from the Linked Data API
# Remove a resource from the cache, returning the cached JSON data as a Hash
# - remove_children: if true, remove
data = cache.remove(uri, force: true, remove_children: true) \
do |data, entry|
# The block is called only if cached data exists
# The parameters are:
# - data = the parsed JSON data for the cached resource
# - entry = an ```Aspire::Caching::CacheEntry``` instance representing
# the cached entry (for internal use)
# Delete the cache contents but not the root path
# Delete the cache root path and contents
# Return true if the cache root path is empty, false otherwise
The Aspire::Caching::Builder
class constructs an offline cache of Linked Data
and JSON API data.
Given an enumerator of list IDs, the cache builder downloads the JSON and Linked Data API data for each list and recursively follows all URIs in the linked data until every entity has been retrieved.
The list enumerator is expected to be an instance of
, which parses a file as a CSV and yields
the parsed row. When parsing an Aspire "All Lists" report, the parsed CSV row is
yielded as a Hash containing the list URI at key "List Link", so the cache
builder expects this from the enumerator. If you're using a custom enumerator
rather than the ReportEnumerator
, you should yield the list URI as follows:
yielder << { 'List Link' => '<list-URI>' }
A list enumerator is created from an Aspire "All Lists" report CSV as follows:
# Optionally define one or more filters to control which lists are selected.
# Each filter is a Proc instance which accepts the Hash or Array from the
# CSV parser and returns true to include the list or false to ignore it.
# All filters must return true for the list to be included.
filters = [
proc { |row| row['Status'] == 'Published' },
proc { |row| row['Privacy'] == 'Public' },
proc { |row| row['Time Period'] == '2017-18' }
# The filename of a downloaded Aspire "All Lists" report in CSV format
filename = '/path/to/all_lists.csv'
# Create the report enumerator
lists = Aspire::Enumerator::ReportEnumerator(filename, filters)
# Create a Cache
cache =
# Create a list enumerator
lists = Aspire::Enumerator::ReportEnumerator(...)
# Create a cache Builder
builder =
# Build the cache
# - clear: if true, clear the cache before building, clear: true)
The current implementation is slow to run (partly due to the slow speed of the JSON API for large lists) and memory-intensive (due to the recursive processing of referenced resources, which can result in deeply-nested method call stacks). A parallelised approach would help to improve this.
The current implementation doesn't reliably handle resuming an interrupted build and may skip data. Because of this, it's strongly recommended to always build a new cache with the
clear: true
flag. -
Due to the previous two points (slow run speed and inability to resume an interrupted build), and the possibility that network and other problems may break a long-running build, it's recommended to build a number of small caches rather than a single cache of everything. Filters passed to the
can limit the size of the cache. For example, you may want to build one cache per time period. -
The cache builder can only download publicly-visible lists (private lists require authentication by the owner), so you should always include a filter for this:
filters = [
proc { |row| row['Privacy'] == 'Public' },
# other filters
The data model provides a set of classes representing common resources in the Talis Aspire APIs, such as lists, list sections, list items and bibliographic resources.
Model instances are retrieved through a factory which uses a combination of the Linked Data API, Authenticated (JSON) API and the Aspire "All User Profiles" report to construct the models.
User profiles referenced by the Aspire Linked Data API URIs are not directly
available through the Linked Data or JSON APIs, so the Aspire::Object::Factory
class accepts a Hash of user data of the form:
users = {
'' => {
email: '',
firstName: 'Anne',
role: ['List publisher', 'List creator'],
surname: 'Onymous',
uri: ''
The data hash follows the JSON format documented by the Aspire JSON API
The Aspire::UserLookup
class provides a simple means of loading an Aspire
"All User Profiles" report CSV.
require 'aspire'
users = '/path/to/all_user_profiles.csv')
user = users['']
The Aspire::Object::Factory
class returns data model instances. Data is
read from an Aspire API data cache (see Cache above) except for user data,
which is supplied by a Hash mapping user URIs to a Hash of user data (see
User Profiles above).
require 'aspire'
# Create a cache
cache =
# Create a user hash from an Aspire "All User Profiles" report CSV
users = '/path/to/all_user_profiles.csv')
# Create a factory
factory =, users)
# Get a model instance by its URI
uri = ''
list = factory.get(uri)
represents a resource list, composed of an
ordered sequence of Aspire::Object::ListSection
and Aspire::Object::ListItem
instances. The ordering of list entries and the nested list structure are both
preserved from Aspire (see Implementation Notes for details).
represents a resource list section, composed of
an ordered sequence of Aspire::Object::ListSection
instances (nested subsections and list items).
represents a single list item.
and ListSection
act as ordered containers for child ListSection
instances. Both classes support various iterators over their child
and parent objects:
require 'aspire'
# Create a factory
factory =
# Get a list
list = factory.get(...)
# Iterate over the top-level list contents in list order
list.each { |item| # item is a ListSection or ListItem instance }
# Iterate over all ListItem instances in list order
# Nested list sections are iterated in depth-first order
list.each_item { |item| # item is a ListItem instance }
# Iterate over all ListSection instances in list order
# Nested list sections are iterated in depth-first order
list.each_section { |section| # section is a ListSection instance }
# Get a list of all ListItem instances in list order
# Nested list sections are iterated in depth-first order
items = list.items
# Get a list of all ListSection instances in list order
# Nested list sections are iterated in depth-first order
sections = list.sections
# Get the number of top-level list items (sections and items)
length = list.length(:entry)
# Get the number of ListItem instances
# Both forms are equivalent
length = list.length
length = list.length(:item)
# Get the number of top-level ListSection instances
length = list.length(:section)
# Get the parent list of a List, ListSection or ListItem
parent_list = list.parent_list
# Get the immediate parent section of a ListSection or ListItem
parent_section = list.parent_section
# Get a list of parent sections of a ListSection or ListItem in nearest ancestor
# first order
parent_sections = list.parent_sections
# Get a list of parent items (ListSection and List) of a ListSection or ListItem
# in nearest ancestor first order
parents = list.parents
# Get a list of parent items matching the supplied classes
parents = list.parents(List, ListSection)
# Get a list of parent items where the supplied block returns true
parents = list.parents { |item| item.is_a?(ListItem) }
# Creation timestamp of the list as a DateTime
# Reading list creators as an array of Aspire::Object::User
# Description of the list
# List items as a hash of Aspire::Object::ListItem indexed by item URI
# Timestamp of the most recent list publication as a DateTime
# Timestamp of the most recent list update as a DateTime
# Modules referencing this list as an array of Aspire::Object::Module
# Reading list name
# List owner as an Aspire::Object::User
# List publisher as an Aspire::Object::User
# Period covered by the list as an Aspire::Object::TimePeriod
# Section description
# Section name
# Digitisation details for the item as an Aspire::Object::Digitisation
# Importance of the item
# Private library note for the item
# Identifier of the resource in the local library management system
# General public note for the item
# Student note if available, otherwise the general public note
# Resource for the item as an Aspire::Object::Resource
# Public student note for the item
# Title of the item (i.e. the title of the associated resource)
# The resource title is always returned if it is available.
# If there is no associated resource, an alternative can be specified;
# the default is to return nil.
item.title(:library_note) # returns library_note
item.title(:note) # returns public_note || library_note
item.title(:public_note) # returns public_note
item.title(:uri) # returns the item URI
represents the bibliographic item (book/chapter,
journal/article, online resource etc.) referenced by a list item.
Resources may be linked to other resources. For example, a book chapter resource may be linked to its parent book, or a journal article to its parent journal.
# Get the resource from the list item
resource = item.resource
# List of authors of the resource as an array of strings
# Book jacket image URL
# Date of publication as a string
# DOI for the resource
# Edition
# true if edition data is available, false if not
# Electronic ISSN for the resource
# Child resources as an array of Aspire::Object::Resource
# - e.g. the chapters contained of a book or articles of a journal
# Parent resources as an array of Aspire::Object::Resource
# - e.g. the book containing a chapter or journal containing an article
# 10-digit ISBN for the resource
# 13-digit ISBN for the resource
# List of ISBNs for the resource
# ISSN for the resource
# Issue
# Issue date as a string
# true if this is the latest edition, false otherwise
# Local control number in the library catalogue
# true if this is an online resource, false otherwise
# Page range
# End page
# Start page
# Place of publication
# Publisher
# Title of the resource
# Type of the resource
# URL of the resource
# Volume
Where resources are linked to other resources (e.g. chapters to books or articles to journals) a number of shortcut properties are available. These methods can be called on either the child or parent resource.
# Article title for a journal or article resource
# Book title for a book or chapter resource
# Book chapter title for a book or chapter resource
# Article or chapter title if available, otherwise the resource
# title
# Journal title for an article or journal resource
# Parent resource's title (book or journal title)
# Child resource's title (article or chapter title)
# Any resource property can be prefixed with "citation_"
# In this case, if the resource property is not set, the property of the
# parent resource is returned instead if applicable.
resource.citation_title # Returns resource.title or the parent title
resource.citation_isbn10 # Returns resource.isbn10 or the parent isbn10
represents a Talis Digitised Content request
associated with a list item.
# Get the digitisation request details from the list
digitisation = list.digitisation
# Digitisation bundle ID
# Digitisation request ID
# Digitisation request status
represents a course module associated with a list.
# Get the modules from the list
modules = list.modules
module = modules[0]
# Module code
# Module name
represents the time period covered by a list.
# Get the time period from the list
period = list.time_period
# true if the list is currently within the time period, false otherwise
# End of the period as a Date
# Start of the period as a Date
# Title of the time period (e.g. "Winter Term 2016/17")
represents an Aspire user profile returned from the
User Profile JSON API.
# Get the list owner from the list
user = list.owner
# User first and last names
# User email addresses as an array of strings
# User roles as an array of strings
The Aspire Authenticated (JSON) API provides convenient access to resource list items but does not preserve the ordering of list items, and supplies only the immediately-enclosing section.
However, the Linked Data API includes sequencing data properties with keys of
the form
(where N
is the
ordinal position of the item or section within its parent collection) whose
values are the URIs of the item or section. These properties allow the list
order to be recreated in the data model, and the nested section structure to be
recreated by recursively following the section URIs.
Consider the list:
- Item 1
- Section 2
- Item 2.1
- Item 2.2
- Item 2.3
- Section 3
- Item 3.1
- etc.
The Linked Data API response for the list will contain something like:
“": {
"": [ {
"value": "",
"type": "uri"
} ],
"": [ {
"value": "",
"type": "uri"
} ],
"": [ {
"value": "",
"type": "uri"
} ]
The Linked Data API response for "Section 2" will contain something like:
"": {
"": [ {
"value": "",
"type": "uri"
} ],
"": [ {
"value": "",
"type": "uri"
} ],
"": [ {
"value": "",
"type": "uri"
} ]
The data model for a list is built as follows:
- get the Authenticated (JSON) API data for the list and build a Hash mapping item URI to a ListItem instance
- get the Linked Data API data for the list
- build a List instance
- for each sequencing data property in the list data
- if the value is an item URI, get the ListItem instance from the items Hash
- if the value is a section URI, build a ListSection instance (this recursively creates subsections and list items)
- add the instance to the List's children at position
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.