An Erlang PostgreSQL client, a mash-up of epgsql, poolboy and sqerl. It uses pgapp to combine epgsql and poolboy.
$ ./rebar3 compile
$ ./rebar3 shell
Make sure you have set up shell.config
properly first.
% Using sqerl DSL:
> epgsqerl:squery(pool1, {select, 1}).
> epgsqerl:squery(pool1, {select, foo, {from, bar}, {where, {id,'=',1}}}).
> epgsqerl:equery(pool1, {select, foo, {from, bar}, {where, "id=$1"}}, [1]).
% Using raw SQL:
> epgsqerl:squery(pool1, <<"SELECT 1">>).
> epgsqerl:equery(pool1, <<"SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE id=$1">>, [1]).