This is my final project for the Microelectronic systems course at the Polytechnic University of Turin.
General instructions | Register-Register instructions |
j | sll |
jal | srl |
beqz | sra |
bnez | add |
addi | sub |
subi | and |
andi | or |
ori | xor |
xori | seq |
nop | sne |
seqi | slt |
snei | sgt |
slti | sle |
sgti | sge |
slei | sltu |
sgei | sgtu |
lw | sleu |
sw | sgeu |
sltui | |
sgtui | |
sleui | |
sgeui | |
slli | |
srli | |
srai |
- Branch prediction
- Long latency operations
- Double and float support
The DLX has been tested with Modelsim ALTERA EDITION 10.4d (other version of Modelsim should work too). To compile the project:
make init
A simple testbench can be found in the folder "Testbench/dlx". The two memories are preloaded with the content of the files "iram" and "dram". To compile a program and load it into the testbench:
cd Assembler
sh [path_to_asm_file].asm
mv iram ../Testbench/dlx/.
Example programs are available in the folder "Assembler/examples".