Worlf of Warcraft library to help track dispelable auras
local LibDispel = LibStub("LibDispel")
assert(LibDispel, "Addon requires LibDispel")
local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function (self, event, ...)
if event == "UNIT_AURA" then
local unit, updateInfo = ...
local isFullUpdate = not updateInfo or updateInfo.isFullUpdate
if isFullUpdate then
self.all = table.wipe(self.all or {})
self.actives = table.wipe(self.actives or {})
changed = true
local slots = { C_UnitAuras.GetAuraSlots(unit, self.filter) }
for i = 2, #slots do -- #1 return is continuationToken, we don't care about it
local aura = C_UnitAuras.GetAuraDataBySlot(unit, slots[i])
-- dispelType will be equal to aura.dispelName, if the aura is "Magic", "Poison", "Curse" or "Disease"
-- but dispelType can return "Bleed" or "Enrage" too
local dispelType = LibDispel:GetDispelType(aura.spellId, aura.dispelName)
-- check if you can dispel this aura
local isDispelable = LibDispel:IsDispelable(unit, aura.spellId, dispelType, true)