This project is being built against a pre-release version of XM Cloud. There will most likely be breaking changes introduced that will require (possibly extensive) refactoring of the code seen here.
During this time it is not possible for people external to Sitecore's Technical Marketing team to run this project locally. We will also not be accepting community contributions during this time.
You can watch
this repository to follow along with our development progress as we prepare for the full public release of XM Cloud. Once we reach that point, we will then define a process for community contributions.
This repository contains the codebase for a series of sites managed by the Technical Marketing Team at Sitecore. You will find the following sites in this repository:
Prerequisites for this repository are...
You first need to initialise your .env file which will configure how the different application elements will run. There are a series of parameters you can pass in to override the default behaviour of the application, you can find the full list of parameters with their purpose here.
Examples of how to use them can be seen in the different setup guides for both Local Mode and Edge Mode below.
Parameter | Required? | Purpose |
LicenseXmlPath | Yes | Used to specify the path to the license file |
AdminPassword | Yes | Used to specify the password for the Sitecore admin user |
Auth0_ClientId | Yes | Used to specify the Client Id used to authenticated with Auth0 |
Auth0_ClientSecret | Yes | Used to specify the Client Secret used to authenticated with Auth0 |
InitEnv | No | Used to force a full initialisation of the repository |
Host_Suffix | No | Used to customise the suffix for the locally running sites - Note customising this currently isn't supported |
Edge_Url | No | Used to customise the URL used to connect to XM Cloud, when running in 'Edge Mode' |
Edge_Token | No | Used to authenticate with XM Cloud, when running in 'Edge Mode' |
Running in Local Mode will run all of the application elemenets required on your local machine using Docker
First initialise your repo using the .init/ps1
script, you can see an example of how to init for 'Local Mode' below
.\init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath "C:\path\to\license.xml" -AdminPassword "DesiredAdminPassword" -Auth0_ClientId "<<Auth0_Client_Id>>" -Auth0_ClientSecret "<<Auth0_Client_Secret>>"
Next, use the up.ps1
script to bring up all of the containers required for Local Mode.
Running in Edge Mode will run only run the Host applications and Traefik used to access them. The hosts will pull their data directly from XM Cloud
- Create an environment that you're going to deploy to:
dotnet sitecore cloud environment create --project-id <<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>> -n <<ENVIRONMENT_NAME>>
- Record the returned Environment ID.
- Create a deployment and push the local codebase into XM Cloud
dotnet sitecore cloud deployment create -id <<YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID>> --upload
- Access the CM instance that has been created and perform a "Site Publish" to ensure all content items have been pushed to the Edge.
- Generate an Edge Token used to allow your Rendering hosts to authenticate with XM Cloud
.\New-EdgeToken.ps1 -EnvironmentId <<YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_ID>>
- Record the returned Edge Token, and Edge URL.
Next initialise your repo using the .init/ps1
script, you can see an example of how to init for 'Edge Mode' below
.\init.ps1 -InitEnv -LicenseXmlPath "C:\path\to\license.xml" -AdminPassword "DesiredAdminPassword" -Auth0_ClientId "<<Auth0_Client_Id>>" -Auth0_ClientSecret "<<Auth0_Client_Secret>>" -Edge_Url "<<Edge_Url>>" -Edge_Token "<<Edge_Token>>"
Next, use the up.ps1
script to bring up all of the containers required for Edge Mode.
.\up.ps1 -UseEdge