Fix Super Bug UFC to work with mod
This release includes a fix from @trigati on the DCS Forums to override the module name to be the legacy hornet when flying the super hornet. This works since the Super Hornet is a mod of the original F/A-18C and uses the same variables under the hood for the UFC so not extra is needed.
- Download the attached from this release (Scroll to bottom and see attachments)
- Copy the wwt folder and overwrite the existing in /Saved Games/<DCS_INSTALL>/Scripts
- Note: This can be undone in SimApp Pro -> Settings -> Repair LUA
- Optionally a more permanent method: Also copy and overwrite the wwt folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\SimAppPro\resources\app.asar.unpacked\Events. This can be un-done in SimApp Pro -> Settings -> Update -> Install to refresh the files.