V1.0.14 Disable F16 UFC add on since WinWing made the F16 ICP
To prevent issues with users using the new F16 ICP, the F18 UFC Patch for the F16 has been disabled. This way users can use the F16 ICP without conflic.
I do not have the F16 ICP and can not test or write code for it, but plan on doing so when I am able to purchase the ICP. It will have many more capabilities due to it have a dot matrix screen instead of fixed LCD segments
Download the attached wwt.zip from this release (Scroll to bottom and see attachments)
Copy the wwt folder and overwrite the existing in /Saved Games/<DCS_INSTALL>/Scripts
Note: This can be undone in SimApp Pro -> Settings -> Repair LUA
Optionally a more permanent method: Also copy and overwrite the wwt folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\SimAppPro\resources\app.asar.unpacked\Events. This can be un-done in SimApp Pro -> Settings -> Update -> Install to refresh the files.