The goal of csgc is to perform statistical analysis of network data based on centred subgraph counts.
You can install the development version of csgc R package from GitHub with:
See also "" file for the Python version and test code, which allows GPU acceleration.
Assume an undirected unweighted network has
#> Attaching package: 'csgc'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> trace
k = 4
n = 100
K = matrix(c(0.8, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1,
0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,
0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.5,
0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1),4,4)
z = rep(1:k,each=n/k)
mat = gen_adj_sbm(K,z)
A = mat$A
P = mat$P
Then, we calculate the maximum likelihood estimated
mat2 = sbm_mle(A,z)
Khat = mat2$K
Phat = mat2$P
We can also get the estimated labels given
zhat = spectral_sbm(A,4)
ccrate = ccr(z,zhat)
#> [1] 0.71
If we use the estimated labels to further get the MLE for
Phat2 = sbm_mle(A,zhat)$P
t = csgc(A,Phat2,"bernoulli")$t
#> t.twostar t.triangle t.fourcycle t.threepath t.threestar
#> 21.025806 2.647350 19.910428 -7.621849 1.819534
#> t.triangleapp t.twotriangle t.fivecycle t.fourpath t.fourstar
#> 31.237910 2.883050 16.087230 50.357134 28.512798
Sum of squares of these statistics should approximately follow a
chi-square distribution if SBM fits the network data. Suppose we run the
above simulation multiple times, we can get a batch of
p = numeric(100)
for (i in 1:100){
A1 = gen_adj_sbm(K,z)$A
t = csgc(A1,sbm_mle(A1,z)$P,"bernoulli")$t
p[i] = pchisq(sum(t^2), 10, lower.tail = FALSE)
#> [1] 0.1996285
If these csgc statistics deviate from 0, we can use our csgc greedy algorithm to adjust label estimations, and see if correct classification rate increases.
out = csgc_greedy(A,zhat,parallel=T)
#> chisq stats: 4486.72334570905, change location: 46
#> adjusted labels: 1111212122121211211111211212222122122222212212212334444444444343443444343443323433342323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 3794.46576351085, change location: 12
#> adjusted labels: 1111212122111211211111211212222122122222212212212334444444444343443444343443323433342323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 3143.59391850798, change location: 17
#> adjusted labels: 1111212122111211111111211212222122122222212212212334444444444343443444343443323433342323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 2607.28078700959, change location: 45
#> adjusted labels: 1111212122111211111111211212222122122222212222212334444444444343443444343443323433342323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 2145.2566815541, change location: 23
#> adjusted labels: 1111212122111211111111111212222122122222212222212334444444444343443444343443323433342323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 1722.4355753283, change location: 67
#> adjusted labels: 1111212122111211111111111212222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433342323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 1433.63752250575, change location: 5
#> adjusted labels: 1111112122111211111111111212222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433342323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 1187.77189810095, change location: 84
#> adjusted labels: 1111112122111211111111111212222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433332323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 979.848831098498, change location: 27
#> adjusted labels: 1111112122111211111111111222222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433332323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 796.193813607788, change location: 14
#> adjusted labels: 1111112122111111111111111222222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433332323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 631.131864281572, change location: 7
#> adjusted labels: 1111111122111111111111111222222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433332323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 497.972661133027, change location: 10
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433332323334332333333
#> chisq stats: 389.124723523015, change location: 91
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323433332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 309.464505727188, change location: 80
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222122122222212222212334444444444343444444343443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 247.787921772089, change location: 42
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222122122222222222212334444444444343444444343443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 198.380908702665, change location: 51
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222122122222222222212344444444444343444444343443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 156.216304713406, change location: 64
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222122122222222222212344444444444344444444343443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 120.185170752735, change location: 48
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222122122222222222222344444444444344444444343443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 85.6620549432261, change location: 32
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222122222222222222344444444444344444444343443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 57.7334426869356, change location: 71
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222122222222222222344444444444344444444443443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 34.5689706679674, change location: 62
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222122222222222222344444444444444444444443443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 17.7029872605905, change location: 73
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222122222222222222344444444444444444444444443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 11.4538275370245, change location: 50
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222122222222222222244444444444444444444444443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 8.96372989223866, change location: 35
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222222222222222222244444444444444444444444443323333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 7.00403784223967, change location: 77
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222222222222222222244444444444444444444444443423333332323333332333333
#> chisq stats: 5.01317144962853, change location: 94
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222222222222222222244444444444444444444444443423333332323333333333333
#> chisq stats: 4.32975497604902, change location: 78
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222222222222222222244444444444444444444444443433333332323333333333333
#> chisq stats: 3.41388701672236, change location: 39
#> adjusted labels: 1111111121111111111111111222222222222232222222222244444444444444444444444443433333332323333333333333
#> chisq stats: 3.29350918373957, change location: 9
#> adjusted labels: 1111111111111111111111111222222222222232222222222244444444444444444444444443433333332323333333333333
#> chisq stats: 3.03554642320018, change location: 18
#> adjusted labels: 1111111111111111121111111222222222222232222222222244444444444444444444444443433333332323333333333333
#> chisq stats: 3.05305783065938, change location: 87
#> adjusted labels: 1111111111111111121111111222222222222232222222222244444444444444444444444443433333332333333333333333
zout = out$zout
chisqout = out$chisqout
statsout = out$statsout
#> [1] 3.035546
#> t.twostar t.triangle t.fourcycle t.threepath t.threestar
#> 0.04279361 -0.29176806 1.35066437 -0.47974516 0.43144080
#> t.triangleapp t.twotriangle t.fivecycle t.fourpath t.fourstar
#> -0.47381646 -0.15771418 0.52246022 -0.42474161 0.07245537
#> [1] 0.95
Assume further that
Theta = runif(n,.2,1)
dmat = gen_adj_dcsbm(K,Theta,z)
dA = dmat$A
dP = dmat$P
Though no closed form, numerical MLE for
dmat2 = dcsbm_mle(dA,z)
dPhat = dmat2$P
Using spectral clustering method for DCSBM, we can also get the estimated labels and with true labels.
dzhat = spectral_dcsbm(dA,4)
dccrate = ccr(z,dzhat)
#> [1] 0.49
Finally, we make the csgc function compatible with other packages so that people can have easy access to these values. Before that, we will need the following packages: “ergm”, “blockmodels” and “greed”.
# install.packages(c("ergm", "blockmodels", "greed", "igraphdata"))
#> Warning: package 'ergm' was built under R version 4.1.3
#> Loading required package: network
#> Warning: package 'network' was built under R version 4.1.3
#> 'network' 1.18.1 (2023-01-24), part of the Statnet Project
#> * 'news(package="network")' for changes since last version
#> * 'citation("network")' for citation information
#> * '' for help, support, and other information
#> 'ergm' 4.4.0 (2023-01-26), part of the Statnet Project
#> * 'news(package="ergm")' for changes since last version
#> * 'citation("ergm")' for citation information
#> * '' for help, support, and other information
#> 'ergm' 4 is a major update that introduces some backwards-incompatible
#> changes. Please type 'news(package="ergm")' for a list of major
#> changes.
#> Warning: package 'blockmodels' was built under R version 4.1.3
#> Warning: package 'greed' was built under R version 4.1.3
#> Warning: package 'igraphdata' was built under R version 4.1.3
For Exponential Random Graph Model, we can extract adjacency matrix (A) and predicted probability matrix (P), so that csgc statistics can be calculated.
fit <- ergm(faux.dixon.high ~ edges + mutual)
#> Starting maximum pseudolikelihood estimation (MPLE):
#> Evaluating the predictor and response matrix.
#> Maximizing the pseudolikelihood.
#> Finished MPLE.
#> Starting Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation (MCMLE):
#> Iteration 1 of at most 60:
#> Warning: 'glpk' selected as the solver, but package 'Rglpk' is not available;
#> falling back to 'lpSolveAPI'. This should be fine unless the sample size and/or
#> the number of parameters is very big.
#> Optimizing with step length 1.0000.
#> The log-likelihood improved by 0.0304.
#> Convergence test p-value: 0.3016. Not converged with 99% confidence; increasing sample size.
#> Iteration 2 of at most 60:
#> Optimizing with step length 1.0000.
#> The log-likelihood improved by 0.0430.
#> Convergence test p-value: 0.0012. Converged with 99% confidence.
#> Finished MCMLE.
#> Evaluating log-likelihood at the estimate. Fitting the dyad-independent submodel...
#> Bridging between the dyad-independent submodel and the full model...
#> Setting up bridge sampling...
#> Using 16 bridges: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .
#> Bridging finished.
#> This model was fit using MCMC. To examine model diagnostics and check
#> for degeneracy, use the mcmc.diagnostics() function.
out = A_P_from_ergm(model=fit)
#> Please check that the model satisfies the conditional independence of the edges.
#> Warning in A_P_from_ergm(model = fit): Convert directed graph to undirected
#> graph.
csgc(out$A, out$P)$t
#> t.twostar t.triangle t.fourcycle t.threepath t.threestar
#> 59.44233 58.13349 52.32496 172.34371 142.62009
#> t.triangleapp t.twotriangle t.fivecycle t.fourpath t.fourstar
#> 288.92686 264.16784 197.18525 494.36571 330.54601
For “blockmodels” object, we can easily extract adjacency matrix (A). The “blockmodels” package will estimate the number of communities (k), labels (z) and parameter matrix (K). From that, we can get the estimate probability matrix (P).
npc <- 30 # nodes per class
Q <- 3 # classes
n <- npc * Q # nodes
M<-1*(matrix(runif(n*n),n,n)<Z%*%P%*%t(Z)) ## adjacency matrix
fit <- BM_bernoulli("SBM",M, plotting='')
out = A_P_from_blockmodels(model=fit)
#> Warning in A_P_from_blockmodels(model = fit): Convert directed graph to
#> undirected graph.
csgc(out$A, out$P, out$modeltype)$t
#> t.twostar t.triangle t.fourcycle t.threepath t.threestar
#> 84.53258 40.94152 162.60744 326.20236 1896.20998
#> t.triangleapp t.twotriangle t.fivecycle t.fourpath t.fourstar
#> 427.65261 1187.47921 581.77047 683.47687 9040.87610
We can also use “greed” package to do model fitting for SBM and DCSBM.
sbm = greed(Books$X, model = Sbm())
#> -- Fitting a guess SBM model --
#> i Initializing a population of 20 solutions.
#> i Generation 1 : best solution with an ICL of -1278 and 7 clusters.
#> i Generation 2 : best solution with an ICL of -1254 and 6 clusters.
#> i Generation 3 : best solution with an ICL of -1254 and 6 clusters.
#> -- Final clustering --
#> -- Clustering with a SBM model 5 clusters and an ICL of -1254
out1 = A_P_from_greed(data=Books$X, blockmodel=sbm)
csgc(out1$A, out1$P, out1$modeltype)$t
#> t.twostar t.triangle t.fourcycle t.threepath t.threestar
#> 2.1604290 11.5804480 13.0885441 -3.5990661 2.7017219
#> t.triangleapp t.twotriangle t.fivecycle t.fourpath t.fourstar
#> -4.5114451 7.7160612 15.5304911 -0.9049469 -1.3578917
dcsbm = greed(karate, model= DcSbm())
#> Warning: Sbm model used with an igraph object. Vertex and nodes attributes were
#> removed, the clustering will only use the adjacency matrix.
#> -- Fitting a guess DCSBM model --
#> i Initializing a population of 20 solutions.
#> i Generation 1 : best solution with an ICL of -229 and 2 clusters.
#> i Generation 2 : best solution with an ICL of -227 and 1 clusters.
#> i Generation 3 : best solution with an ICL of -227 and 1 clusters.
#> -- Final clustering --
#> -- Clustering with a DCSBM model 1 clusters and an ICL of -227
out2 = A_P_from_greed(data=karate, blockmodel=dcsbm)
csgc(out2$A, out2$P, out2$modeltype)$t
#> t.twostar t.triangle t.fourcycle t.threepath t.threestar
#> -2.4185709 -2.2530913 2.4026465 1.9677440 0.6853484
#> t.triangleapp t.twotriangle t.fivecycle t.fourpath t.fourstar
#> -1.7426575 -9.2650511 10.3745336 1.3081061 0.9861794