If you use these data please cite
- the original source
Carling, Gerd (ed.) 2017. Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics Online. Lund: Lund University. (DOI/URL: https://diacl.ht.lu.se/). Accessed on: 2019-02-07.
- the derived dataset using the DOI of the particular released version you were using
This dataset is licensed under a CC-BY-4.0 license
Available online at https://diacl.ht.lu.se/
Conceptlists in Concepticon:
- Carling-2017-104a
- Carling-2017-209b
- Carling-2017-240c
- Carling-2017-97d
- Carling-2017-112e
- Carling-2017-87f
- Carling-2017-127g
- Carling-2017-10h
- Carling-2017-97i
- Carling-2017-97j
- Carling-2017-87k
From Diachronic Atlas of Comparative Linguistics (DiACL)—A database for ancient language typology
An important additional resource of the database DiACL is constituted by basic vocabulary lists, consisting of a Swadesh 100-list, analysed by cognacy and with loans removed. Nearly all languages for Eurasia that are in the data set DiACL Typology/ Eurasia have complementary sets of basic vocabulary, with the exception of North-East and North-West Caucasian languages, for which cognacy analysis is not available. The basic vocabulary data set has been compiled according to the same basic principles as the typological set: we aim towards symmetry between extinct and contemporary languages (i.e., concerning polymorphism), and all data points are sourced in reliable literature. The basic vocabulary data set is a useful resource, for instance for testing typological against lexical change, or for establishing a lexical phylogenetic tree, against which gain and loss rates of typological data can be measured. The basic vocabulary data can be retrieved from the following URL: https://diacl.ht.lu.se/WordList/Index.
- Varieties: 422
- Concepts: 542
- Lexemes: 60,206
- Sources: 357
- Synonymy: 1.38
Name | GitHub user | Description | Role |
Robert Forkel | @xrotwang | digitization, code | Other |
Christoph Rzymski | @chrzyki | patron | Other |
Gerd Carling | Author, Distributor, Editor |
The following CLDF datasets are available in cldf:
- CLDF Wordlist at cldf/cldf-metadata.json