This repository contains Hand written Digit Recognition Prject with a GUI made using Tkinter.
This consits of 2 python files
This file contains python code for generating a classifier using sklearn's Linear SVC model.
We will use mnist dataset to tarin the model.
1.loading mnist dataset.
2.Extracting hog features as numpy array. the model.
4.Saving the model. --->This will generate a classifier model (pickle file) classifier.pkl
This file contains python code which allows user to draw the digits using mouse pointer and recognize the digits.
1.Loading the classifier model
2.Creating GUI(3 buttons:save,predict,clear and canvas to draw)
3.Saving the sketch as image and loading saved image
4.Convertig imge into grayscale
5.Applying gaussianblur
6.Thresholding image
7.Finding contours
8.Drawing rectangle ariund the contours
9.Recognizing the digit
10.Putting text(number) on top of the rectangle
Open commandprompt and change direcrtory to project nad run'python'.
this will open a GUI which consists of 3 buttons.
Steps for realtime recognition
step1 - draw a digit
step2 - click save
step3 - click predict--->this will show a popup image with the recognised value written on the sketch.
step4 - clear--->this will clear the canvas