Hello There! I'm Leon, a doctoral researcher in computational neuroscience at the Brain Simulation Section of Charité University Medicine Berlin.
🧠 Interested in whole-brain simulation for clinical applications.
🖥 Currently working on the neuroinformatics platform, The Virtual Brain.
🤝 Always open to collaboration and discussions related to computational neuroscience, The Virtual Brain, and related domains.
- The Virtual Brain Adapter of Semantics (TVBase): Literature-mining based brain mapping.
- The Virtual Brain Ontology (TVB-O): Semantic Knowledge representation of brain simulation models based on nonlinear-systems dynamics.
- The Virtual Child Brain: In siliko approaches towards a dynamical description of the development of functional brain networks from early childhood to adults.
- In Silico Optimization of Deep Brain Stimulation: Innovating therapeutic approaches through computational models.
- Cabrera-Álvarez, J., Stefanovski, L., Martin, L., Susi, G., Maestú, F., & Ritter, P. (2024). A multiscale closed-loop neurotoxicity model of Alzheimer's disease progression explains functional connectivity alterations. eNeuro, ENEURO.0345-23.2023. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0345-23.2023
- Cabrera-Alvarez, J., Stefanovski, L., Martin, L., Susi, G., Maestú, F., & Ritter, P. (2023). A multiscale closed-loop neurotoxicity model of Alzheimer's disease progression explains functional connectivity alterations. bioRxiv, 2023–09. Link
Stefanovski, L., Meier, J., Pai, R., Triebkorn, P., Lett, T., Martin, L., Bülau, K., Hofmann-Apitius, M., Solodkin, A., McIntosh, A., & others. (2021). Bridging scales in alzheimer's disease: Biological framework for brain simulation with the virtual brain. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 15, 630172. Link
Stefanovski, L., Bülau, K., Martin, L., Courtiol, J., Diaz-Cortes, M.A., Langford, C., Palmer, J., Ritter, P., & Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. (2021). Spatial mapping of subcellular disease pathways and cytoarchitecture to anatomical brain regions for multi-scale brain simulation with The Virtual Brain. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 17, e052311. Link
- Schultheiss, O., Frisch, M., Ozbe, D., Ossmann, A., Schultheiss, M., Lentz, S., Martin, L., & Rösch, A. (2019). Implicit motives show sex-dimorphic associations with digit ratio. Motivation Science, 5(4), 326. Link
- 📧 Email: leon.martin@bih-charite.de
- 🐦 Twitter: @leon_mrtn
- 🌐 Personal Website: www.brainsimulation.org