Hey there! My name is Len, and this is my submission for a class I was taking in Fall 2020 commonly called "251". We got to choose a topic and do really whatever, so I chose to explore the topic of algorithmic game theory. More specifically Regret Minimization. Combined with the iconic rerelease of Avatar the Last Airbender onto Netflix in 2020, I found inspiration to combine the two in this project.
Check out the live site here: https://atla-agt.web.app/home
: Contains various implementations of regret matching, as well as aflask
API that is being hosted withpythonanywhere.com
: Contains conceptual information and related notes.pictures
: Some of my drawings to better discuss AGTsite
: React website to put everything together
Check out how the strategies of the players change after 50,000 iterations of the regret matching learning algorithm.
Input your own tables, or two-person normal form games, with their respective utilites to try out the learning algorithm on your own games.