- Compatible with GeoJSON
- Multi resolution with geometry simplification
- Highly customizable
- High performance
- Interactable
- Pure Flutter (no WebView/JavaScript)
GeoJSON is a JSON-based open standard format designed to represent geographical features, alongside non-spatial attributes (properties). Geographic shapes would usually be represented as features
in geojson. Each feature has a type
, geometry
, and properties
attribute. properties
is an object that can contain any kind of data that can be represented in JSON format. This can be time-series population data, GDP, or any other kind of data that relates to a given geography.
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[10.6, 47.9],
[5.8, 47.9],
[5.8, 45.8],
[10.6, 45.8],
[10.6, 47.9]
"properties": {
"firstProperty": "Something",
"secondProperty": "Something else"
{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": {...}, "properties": {...} },
{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": {...}, "properties": {...} }
Reading the geometries only.
MapDataSource polygons = await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: geoJson);
The keys
argument defines which properties must be loaded.
The parseToNumber
argument defines which properties will have numeric values in quotes parsed to numbers.
The labelKey
defines which property will be used to display its values as feature labels.
The filterKey
& filterValue
defines which property key will be used to filter json match value
MapDataSource polygons = await MapDataSource.geoJson(
geoJson: geoJson,
keys: ['Seq', 'Rnd'],
parseToNumber: ['Rnd'],
labelKey: 'Rnd',
filterKet: 'Seq',
filterValue '01');
SimpleMapController _controller = SimpleMapController();
MapDataSource polygons = await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: geoJson);
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(dataSource: polygons);
SimpleMap map = SimpleMap(controller: _controller);
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapTheme(color: Colors.yellow, contourColor: Colors.red));
MapDataSource polygons =
await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: geoJson, labelKey: 'Name');
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapTheme(labelVisibility: (feature) => true));
Filter label name to visible
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapTheme(labelVisibility: (feature) => feature.label == 'Darwin'));
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapTheme(
labelVisibility: (feature) => true,
labelStyleBuilder: (feature, featureColor, labelColor) {
if (feature.label == 'Darwin') {
return TextStyle(
color: labelColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 11,
return TextStyle(
color: labelColor,
fontSize: 11,
Sets a color for each property value in GeoJSON. If a color is not set, the default color is used.
Mapping the property key:
MapDataSource polygons = await MapDataSource.geoJson(
geoJson: geoJson, keys: ['Seq'], labelKey: 'Seq');
Setting the colors for the property values:
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapValueTheme(
contourColor: Colors.white,
labelVisibility: (feature) => true,
key: 'Seq',
colors: {
2: Colors.green,
4: Colors.red,
6: Colors.orange,
8: Colors.blue
The feature color is obtained from the first rule that returns a non-null color. If all rules return a null color, the default color is used.
Mapping the property key:
MapDataSource polygons =
await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: geoJson, keys: ['Name', 'Seq']);
Setting the rules:
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapRuleTheme(contourColor: Colors.white, colorRules: [
(feature) {
String? value = feature.getValue('Name');
return value == 'Faraday' ? Colors.red : null;
(feature) {
double? value = feature.getDoubleValue('Seq');
return value != null && value < 3 ? Colors.green : null;
(feature) {
double? value = feature.getDoubleValue('Seq');
return value != null && value > 9 ? Colors.blue : null;
The gradient is created given the colors and limit values of the chosen property. The property must have numeric values.
Uses the min and max values read from data source.
MapDataSource polygons = await MapDataSource.geoJson(
geoJson: geoJson, keys: ['Seq'], labelKey: 'Seq');
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapGradientTheme(
contourColor: Colors.white,
labelVisibility: (feature) => true,
key: 'Seq',
colors: [Colors.blue, Colors.yellow, Colors.red]));
If the min
value is set, all lower values will be displayed using the first gradient color.
If the max
value is set, all higher values will be displayed using the last gradient color.
MapDataSource polygons = await MapDataSource.geoJson(
geoJson: geoJson, keys: ['Seq'], labelKey: 'Seq');
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapGradientTheme(
contourColor: Colors.white,
labelVisibility: (feature) => true,
key: 'Seq',
min: 3,
max: 9,
colors: [Colors.blue, Colors.yellow, Colors.red]));
Used by addons and cursor hover to highlight layer features on the map.
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
highlightTheme: MapHighlightTheme(color: Colors.green));
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
highlightTheme: MapHighlightTheme(contourColor: Colors.red));
MapDataSource polygons =
await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: geoJson, labelKey: 'Name');
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
highlightTheme: MapHighlightTheme(labelVisibility: (feature) => true));
SimpleMapController _controller = SimpleMapController(contourThickness: 3);
MapDataSource polygons =
await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: geoJson, keys: ['Seq']);
// coloring only the 'Darwin' feature
MapLayer layer = MapLayer(
dataSource: polygons,
theme: MapValueTheme(key: 'Seq', colors: {4: Colors.green}),
highlightTheme: MapHighlightTheme(color: Colors.green[900]!));
// enabling hover only for the 'Darwin' feature
SimpleMap map = SimpleMap(
controller: _controller,
hoverRule: (feature) {
return feature.getValue('Seq') == 4;
SimpleMap map = SimpleMap(
controller: _controller,
hoverListener: (MapFeature? feature) {
if (feature != null) {
int id = feature.id;
MapHighlightTheme highlightTheme = MapHighlightTheme(color: Colors.green);
MapDataSource polygons =
await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: polygonsGeoJson);
MapLayer polygonLayer =
MapLayer(dataSource: polygons, highlightTheme: highlightTheme);
MapDataSource points = await MapDataSource.geoJson(geoJson: pointsGeoJson);
MapLayer pointsLayer = MapLayer(
dataSource: points,
theme: MapTheme(color: Colors.black),
highlightTheme: highlightTheme);
Allows you to draw the contour over all layers
MapDataSource dataSource1 = MapDataSource.geometries([
MapPolygon.coordinates([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3])
MapDataSource dataSource2 = MapDataSource.geometries([
MapPolygon.coordinates([0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2]),
MapPolygon.coordinates([4, 2, 6, 4, 8, 2, 6, 0, 4, 2])
Overlay disabled:
MapHighlightTheme highlightTheme =
MapHighlightTheme(color: Colors.black, contourColor: Colors.black);
MapLayer layer1 = MapLayer(
dataSource: dataSource1,
theme: MapTheme(color: Colors.yellow, contourColor: Colors.black),
highlightTheme: highlightTheme);
MapLayer layer2 = MapLayer(
dataSource: dataSource2,
theme: MapTheme(color: Colors.green, contourColor: Colors.black),
highlightTheme: highlightTheme);
_controller = SimpleMapController(layers: [layer1, layer2]);
Overlay enabled:
MapLayer layer1 = MapLayer(
dataSource: dataSource1,
theme: MapTheme(color: Colors.yellow, contourColor: Colors.black),
highlightTheme: MapHighlightTheme(
color: Colors.black,
contourColor: Colors.black,
overlayContour: true));
MapLayer layer2 = MapLayer(
dataSource: dataSource2,
theme: MapTheme(color: Colors.green, contourColor: Colors.black),
MapHighlightTheme(color: Colors.black, contourColor: Colors.black));
_controller = SimpleMapController(layers: [layer1, layer2]);