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Terraform EKS module


Module provisions scalable EKS cluster with EC2 spot instances as worker nodes. By defaut terraform code will provision EKS cluster, IAM roles for worker nodes and cluster, additional IAM policies, security groups, instance profile, autoscaling groups and launch configurations for spot and on-demand worker nodes (autoscaling groups will be created per AZ for each launch configuration), ALB, Route53 record for ALB, target group. Also module will deploy cluster-autoscaler, spot termination handler, tiller, metric server and nginx-ingress-controller.

Deployment diagram:


Default EKS deployments:


Optionally following features can be enabled:


Folloving resources shoud be created before cluster provisioning:

Tool Version
terraform ==0.11.14
kubectl >=1.13.4
helm ==2.13.1
aws-cli ==1.16.140
aws-iam-authenticator ==1.12.7


  • rendered manifests and Helm charts for Kubernetes will be available in ${path.root}/manifests_rendered. Store it for further edition if required.


provider "aws" {
  region  = "us-east-1"

module "core" {
  source = ""

  project            = "eks"
  environment        = "test"
  availability_zones = ["us-east-1b","us-east-1c"]
  vpc_cidr           = ""
  private_subnets    = ["",""]
  public_subnets     = ["",""]

  enable_nat_gateway = "true"

module "eks_test" {
  source = ""

  project      = "eks"
  environment  = "test"

  cluster_version = "1.14"
  cluster_enabled_log_types = ["api"]

  vpc_id          = "${module.core.vpc_id}"
  private_subnets = "${module.core.private_subnets}"
  public_subnets  = "${module.core.public_subnets}"

  spot_configuration = [
        instance_type = "m4.large",
        spot_price    = "0.05",
        asg_max_size  = "4",
        asg_min_size  = "0",
        asg_desired_capacity = "0",
        additional_kubelet_args = ""
        instance_type = "m4.xlarge",
        spot_price    = "0.08",
        asg_max_size  = "4",
        asg_min_size  = "1",
        asg_desired_capacity = "1",
        additional_kubelet_args = ""
        instance_type = "m4.2xlarge",
        spot_price    = "0.15",
        asg_max_size  = "4",
        asg_min_size  = "0",
        asg_desired_capacity = "0",
        additional_kubelet_args = ""

  on_demand_configuration = [
        instance_type = "m4.xlarge",
        asg_max_size  = "6",
        asg_min_size  = "0",
        asg_desired_capacity = "0",
        additional_kubelet_args = ""

  service_on_demand_configuration = [
        instance_type = "t3.small",
        asg_max_size  = "1",
        asg_min_size  = "1",
        asg_desired_capacity = "1",
        additional_kubelet_args = ""

  worker_nodes_ssh_key      = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDmYWeU1Hm+KfNmnOhB1OVh58KVcetUp6URTPB6fEOmIoNpXXpwFNeotjPoyFwwNc6KJ3LtDOo/Gx9SBkx9sSrHZcJVrKXRF/h4fe4nWeuoz0l3e8Toq+UajIXPjtv+mXkUX5LeyWKwInGc9U3BHXhzV8BYz9i1UqPDDvNsmep5gdRukI327Rh1G+kAYuhivvxbrzsIQrLUMjHqTiL25yILHZJ/eCJvcqLBXtxkPJThytVC1WUZ4vKQ5g8Ley6CtEa/7HolH6RlGduHswzqcdjrSMNxXPoSLF0j4cOeRy7MQA3TU4cLBgcmrwGgE5/IjBy3/3e15D3jtu8jX0r+tUR3"
  enable_waf                = true
  create_acm_certificate    = true
  root_domain               = ""
  alb_route53_record        = ""
  alternative_domains       = ["*"]
  alternative_domains_count = 1
  target_group_port         = "30081"
  cidr_whitelist = [
      type  = "IPV4"
      value = ""
      type  = "IPV4"
      value = ""

  deploy_ingress_controller       = true
  deploy_external_dns             = true
  enable_container_logs           = true
  container_logs_retention_days   = "5"
  enable_monitoring               = true
  monitoring_availability_zone    = "us-east-1c"


Name Description Type Default Required
alb_ingress_rules List of maps that contains ingress rules for ALB security group list [{from_port = 80, to_port = 80, protocol = "tcp", cidr_blocks = ""}, {from_port = 443, to_port = 443, protocol = "tcp", cidr_blocks = ""}] no
alb_route53_record Alias Route53 DNS record name for ALB string n/a yes
alternative_domains Alternative domains for ACM certificate dns records with ',' as delimiter list [] no
alternative_domains_count Alternative domains count for ACM certificate string "0" no
service_on_demand_configuration List of maps that contains configurations for ASGs with on-demand workers instances what will be used in EKS-cluster list [{ instance_type = "t3.small", asg_max_size = "1", asg_min_size = "1", asg_desired_capacity = "1", additional_kubelet_args = ""}] no
cidr_whitelist List of maps that contains IP CIDR with protocol type. Example provided in module examples list [] no
cluster_enabled_log_types A list of the desired control plane logging to enable. For more information, see Amazon EKS Control Plane Logging documentation list [] no
cluster_version Kubernetes version to use for the EKS cluster. string "1.14" no
container_logs_retention_days Set retention period for AWS CloudWatch log group with container logs string "5" no
create_acm_certificate Set true for ACM certificate for ALB creation string "true" no
deploy_external_dns Set true for External DNS installation. string "false" no
deploy_ingress_controller Set true for nginx ingress controller installation string "true" no
enable_container_logs Set true to install fluentd and store container logs in AWS CloudWatch log group string "false" no
enable_monitoring Set true for prometheus-operator and grafana deployment. Also storageClass will be created. string "false" no
enable_waf Set true to enable Web Application Firewall for whitelisting string "false" no
environment Environment name is used to identify resources string n/a yes
local_exec_interpreter Command to run for local-exec resources. Must be a shell-style interpreter. If you are on Windows Git Bash is a good choice. list ["/bin/sh", "-c"] no
map_accounts Additional AWS account numbers to add to the aws-auth configmap. See for example format. list <list> no
map_accounts_count The count of accounts in the map_accounts list. string "0" no
map_roles Additional IAM roles to add to the aws-auth configmap. See for example format. list <list> no
map_roles_count The count of roles in the map_roles list. string "0" no
map_users Additional IAM users to add to the aws-auth configmap. See for example format. list <list> no
map_users_count The count of roles in the map_users list. string "0" no
monitoring_availability_zone Availability zone in which will be deployed grafana and prometheus-operator, as this deployments required persistent volumes for data storing. If variable not set - availability zone of first subnet in private_subnets array will be used. string "" no
on_demand_configuration List of maps that contains configurations for ASGs with on-demand workers instances what will be used in EKS-cluster list [{instance_type = "m4.xlarge", asg_max_size = "6", asg_min_size = "0", asg_desired_capacity = "0", additional_kubelet_args = ""}] no
private_subnets List of private subnets for cluster worker nodes provisioning list n/a yes
project Project name is used to identify resources string n/a yes
public_subnets List of public subnets for ALB provisioning list n/a yes
root_domain Root domain in which custom DNS record for ALB would be created string n/a yes
spot_configuration List of maps that contains configurations for ASGs with spot workers instances what will be used in EKS-cluster list [{instance_type = "m4.large", spot_price = "0.05", asg_max_size = "4", asg_min_size = "1", asg_desired_capacity = "1", additional_kubelet_args = ""}, {instance_type = "m4.xlarge", spot_price = "0.08", asg_max_size = "4", asg_min_size = "0", asg_desired_capacity = "0", additional_kubelet_args = ""}] no
target_group_port ALB targer group port. This value will be used as NodePort for Nginx Ingress controller service. string "30080" no
volume_size Volume size(GB) for worker node in cluster string "50" no
vpc_id VPC ID for cluster provisioning string n/a yes
worker_nodes_ssh_key If Public ssh key provided, will be used for ssh access to worker nodes. Otherwise instances will be created without ssh key. string "" no


Name Description
acm_certificate_arn ACM certificate arn for ALB.
acm_certificate_domain ACM certificate domain for ALB.
alb_arn ALB arn for access to EKS deployments webUI.
alb_dns_name ALB dns name for access to EKS deployments webUI.
alb_http_listener_arn ALB http listener arn.
alb_https_listener_arn ALB https listener arn.
alb_security_group_arn ALB security group arn.
alb_security_group_id ALB security group id.
alb_security_group_name ALB security group name.
alb_target_group_arn ALB target group arn.
alb_target_group_name ALB target group name.
cluster_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster.
cluster_certificate_authority_data EKS cluster certificate.
cluster_endpoint EKS cluster API endpoint.
cluster_iam_role_arn IAM role ARN of the EKS cluster.
cluster_iam_role_name IAM role name of the EKS cluster.
cluster_id EKS cluster id.
cluster_security_group_id EKS cluster security group id.
cluster_version EKS cluster version.
config_map_aws_auth A kubernetes configuration to authenticate to this EKS cluster.
iam_instance_profile_name IAM instance profile name for EKS worker nodes.
kubeconfig kubectl config file contents for this EKS cluster.
kubeconfig_filename The filename of the generated kubectl config.
launch_configuration_on_demand_asg_names Launch configuration name for EKS on-demand worker nodes.
launch_configuration_service_on_demand_asg_names Launch configuration name for EKS non-scalable on-demand worker nodes.
launch_configuration_spot_asg_names Launch configurations names for EKS spot worker nodes.
on_demand_asg_arns EKS on-demand worker nodes ASGs arns.
on_demand_asg_ids EKS on-demand worker nodes ASGs IDs.
on_demand_asg_names EKS on-demand worker nodes ASGs names.
service_on_demand_asg_arns EKS non-scalable on-demand worker nodes ASGs arns.
service_on_demand_asg_ids EKS non-scalable on-demand worker nodes ASGs IDs.
service_on_demand_asg_names EKS non-scalable on-demand worker nodes ASGs names.
path_to_manifests Path to rendered manifests for EKS deployments.
spot_asg_arns EKS spot worker nodes ASGs arns.
spot_asg_ids EKS spot worker nodes ASGs IDs.
spot_asg_names EKS spot worker nodes ASGs names.
ssh_key_name SSH key name for worker nodes.
worker_iam_role_arn IAM role ARN for EKS worker groups.
worker_iam_role_name IAM role name for EKS worker groups.
worker_security_group_id Security group ID attached to the EKS workers.

Terraform versions

Terraform version 0.11.14 or newer is required for this module to work.


Thank you for your interest in contributing! Please refer to for guidance.


Apache2.0 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


Lean Delivery Team