medco-deployment contains the scripts to deploy MedCo in different scenarios.
A description of the available deployment profiles, along with a detailed guide on how to use them, is available here.
- compose-profiles: docker-compose files and parameters for different deployment profiles
- dev-local-3nodes: profile that deploys 3 MedCo nodes on a single machine for development purposes
- test-local-3nodes: profile that deploys 3 MedCo nodes on a single machine for test purposes
- configuration-profiles: configuration files for the different deployment profiles (cryptographic keys, certificates, etc.)
- dev-local-3nodes: configuration files for the dev-local-3nodes profile
- test-local-3nodes: configuration files for the test-local-3nodes profile
- docker-images: configuration files for the docker images that are used in the different deployment profiles
- i2b2: configuration files for 12b2
- keycloak: configuration files for keycloak
- nginx: configuration files for nginx
- pgadmin: configuration files for pgadmin
- postgresql: configuration files for postgresql
- resources: additional configuration and utility files
- configuration: keycloak configuration files
- data: script to download the test datasets
- profile-generation-scripts: scripts to generate various deployment profiles files
- test-network: scripts to generate the deployment profiles files for the Network Test Deployment profile
- utility-scripts: additional utility scripts
medco-deployment is part of the MedCo system.
You can find more information about the MedCo project here.
For further details, support, and contacts, you can check the MedCo Technical Documentation.
medco-deployment is licensed under a End User Software License Agreement ('EULA') for non-commercial use. If you need more information, please contact us.