With a Telegram bot, and a computer with Bluetooth, we can control Eqiva eQ-3 Smart Radiator Thermostats, and read Xiaomi Mi -temperature and humidity sensors. I use this repository to build my smart home, and I plan to connect new devices to it along the way.
With these scripts you...
- can read and control the temperature of your house anywhere on the planet via a Telegrambot.
- can program a weekly temperature schdule for each room.
- can plot a graph of the temperature history, and other data as well. These plots can be seen via the Telegrambot.
- get an email when any of the devices has a low battery.
Contact me if you are interested to build your own system! The code is not very readable, and I can probably give you a few good tips.
This project relies on these repositories. All thanks go to their brilliant authors!
The repository consists of...
- Function package (kotibobot_functions.py).
- Telegram bot (telegrambot.py).
- A script (collect_data.py) which collects and stores time series data from the system.
- A script (sys_check.py) that sends an email if any device has low battery.