Different sketches for the arduino and other microcontrollers and IC's.
The purpose of most of these sketches is to learn the basics and be able to apply the stuff in my bigger projects! (Also included here)
ButtonRead Using single 8 bit 74HC575 to read push button inputs
Using a 74HC595 shift register to read button pushes.
ButtonReadChain Using several 8 bit 74HC575's to read push button inputs
Using two 74HC595 shift registers to read button pushes. Code is scalable to read from a # of shift registers.
LedFlasher Using a 8 bit 74HC575 to toggle some LED's
Using a 74HC595 shift registers to drive 3 LED's.
WebSocket Using Websocket data to control LED status
Using a 74HC595 shift registers to drive LED status using data received from Websocket connection.
RaspdusWifi ESP8266-07 Wifi chip, will serve as brain in the Raspdus controller project
Basically combines the stuff from the other sketches. This is a remote control that connects to my wifi at home that talks to my home automation API to control the lights!
1 x ESP8266-07 wifi module
1 x LD33V 3.3V regulator
4 x 74HC595 shift registers
1 x 0.1uF ceramic capacitator
1 x 10uF polarized capacitator
1 x 10K resistor
16 x 470 ohm resistors
16 x zener diodes
6 x six-position male pin connector
3 x two-position male pin connectors
1 x two-position screw terminal
Ordered the PCB print from PCBway.com, here is what it looked like
Video on twitter demonstrating the Raspdus box
- The box (print coloured parts separately) Tinkercad 3D print
- The apartment Tinkercad 3D print
- Logo and labels Tinkercad 3D print
- All the other little things was found on Thingiverse
- All .gx files are located here .gx print files
- Generate circuit diagrams (very simple ones) and 3D prints: Tinkercad
- Generate circuit diagrams Fritzing
- Order PCB prototype boards PCBway
Motor Under development. ROV control
Under development. Should control 3 ESC's, 1 servo and a couple of relays to control lights.
MotorCalibration Under development. ESC calibration script
ESC calibration script
Erik Andreas Larsen – @grizzifrog – eriklarsen.post@gmail.com
"board": "esp8266:esp8266:generic",
"configuration": "xtal=80,vt=flash,exception=disabled,ResetMethod=ck,CrystalFreq=26,FlashFreq=40,FlashMode=dout,eesz=1M64,led=2,ip=lm2f,dbg=Disabled,lvl=None____,wipe=none,baud=115200",
"sketch": "AllFeatures\\AllFeatures.ino",
"port": "COM4",
"output": "../ArduinoOutput"