Table of Contents
- xmpp_ofc - XMPP Controller
Invoke make shell
to start.
Invoke make ct
to run tests.
- Offical Erlang Documentation
- Erlang Reference Manual User's Guide
- Getting Started with Erlang User's Guide
- Learn You Some Erlang
- OpenFlow Specifications
- we're interested in 1.3.x
stands for OpenFlow Switch handler. It's a callback module called by one of the libraries of the LOOM controller: ofs_handler
. It is configured in the sys.config file:
{callback_module,xmpp_ofc_ofsh}, %% <--- HERE
@doc Called whenever a new switch connects to the controller
init(Mode, Ip, DatapathId, Features, Version, Connection, Options) -> {ok, SwitchState}.
@doc Called when a switch sends a message to the controller that it subscribed to
handle_message(Msg, SwitchState) -> ok.
@doc Called when a switch disconnects from the controller.
terminate(SwitchState) -> ok.
This module connects the LOOM library with the logic implemented in the rest of the modules.
%% starts the process
start_link() -> {ok, pid()}
%% called when a new switch with given DatapathId connects
open_connection(DatapathId) -> ok
%% called when a switch with given DatapathId disconnects
terminate_connection(DatapathId) -> ok.
%% called when there's a message from a switch that that some module subscribed to
handle_message(DatapathId, Msg) -> ok.
- Starts the modules that will implement the logic
- Keeps the runtime configuration for the switches (enabled modules, pid's under witch they run, subscriptions)
- References the LOOM libraries for handling OpenFlow messages
subscribe(DatapathId, MsgTypes) ->
fun(MsgType) ->
ofs_handler:subscribe(DatapathId,xmpp_ofc_ofsh, MsgType)
end, MsgTypes).
unsubscribe(DatapathId, MsgTypes) ->
fun(MsgType) ->
case ofs_handler:unsubscribe(DatapathId, xmpp_ofc_ofsh,
MsgType) of
ok ->
no_handler ->
end, MsgTypes).
of_send(DatapathId, Messages) ->
exometer:update(?EXO_OF_MESSAGES_SENT, 1),
[ofs_handler:send(DatapathId, M) || M <- Messages].
- When a message comes from a switch it passes it to the enabled moduels based on the subcriptions:
handle_message(MsgType, Msg, ModsConfig) ->
exometer:update(?EXO_OF_MESSAGES_RECEIVED, 1),
lists:foldl(fun({Mod, Pid, MsgTypes}, Acc) ->
case lists:member(MsgType, MsgTypes) of
true ->
Mod:handle_message(Pid, Msg, Acc);
false ->
end, [], ModsConfig).
- updates metrics that are sent to graphite
%% Starts the module and returns its pid, subscriptions, and initial OpenFlow messages that are to be sent to the contoller
start_link(DatapathId) -> {ok, Pid, subscriptions(), init_of_messages()}
%% Stops the module
stop(Pid) -> ok
%% Called when a meesage that this module have subscribed to is received by the controller
%% Pid is the module Pid, the Msg is the message that was delivered and the OFMessages is a list of all the OpenFlow messages that are going to be sent to the controller and that were returned from the other modules.
%% This functions is epxected to return the updated list of the OpenFlow messages.
-spec handle_message(pid(),
{MsgType :: term(),
Xid :: term(),
MsgBody :: [tuple()]},
[ofp_message()]) -> [ofp_message()].
handle_message(Pid, Msg, OFMessages) -> [UpdatedOFMessage]
- A controller module provides a set of functionality to be applied on the network
- It subscribes to the messages from the switch (like packet-in)
- When a messages that it has subscribed to is received by the controller it is passed to the Module's
callback which in turn adds OpenFlow messages to be sent down to the switch xmpp_ofc_l2_switch
is a module implementing basic MAC-learning switch functionality- it subscribes to
messages - on receiving such message it builds up a forwarding table and send appropriate
down to the switch
- it subscribes to
flow_to_dst_mac(PacketIn, OutPort) ->
[InPort, DstMac] = packet_in_extract([in_port, dst_mac], PacketIn),
Matches = [{in_port, InPort}, {eth_dst, DstMac}],
Instructions = [{apply_actions, [{output, OutPort, no_buffer}]}],
FlowOpts = [{table_id, 0}, {priority, 100},
{idle_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(idle)},
{hard_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(hard)},
{cookie, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10>>},
{cookie_mask, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}],
of_msg_lib:flow_add(?OF_VER, Matches, Instructions, FlowOpts).
This section explains how to implement a Controller Module based on the xmpp_ofc_l2_switch
which provides the simple MAC-learning switch functionality.
NOTE: The Controller Module is an Erlang Module that satisfies the API described in the previous section. It's a piece of software that provides certain set of functionality to the system.
The example Controller Module follows the algorithm presented below:
start_link(DatapathId) ->
{ok, Pid} = gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [DatapathId], []),
{ok, Pid, subscriptions(), [init_flow_mod()]}.
The xmpp_ofc_l2_switch
is a gen_server
. The subscriptions/0
returns a list with an atom packet_in
which means that this Module wants to be notified about all the PacketIn
messages sent from the switch with the DatapathId
The fourth element of the start_link/1
return tuple is an one-element list. It contains the FlowMod
that will be sent down to the switch from the controller.
init_flow_mod() ->
Matches = [],
Instructions = [{apply_actions, [{output, controller, no_buffer}]}],
FlowOpts = [{table_id, 0}, {priority, 10},
{idle_timeout, 0},
{hard_timeout, 0},
{cookie, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1>>},
{cookie_mask, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}],
of_msg_lib:flow_add(?OF_VER, Matches, Instructions, FlowOpts).
This FlowMod
will result in a FlowEntry
being installed in the switch that:
- will match any incoming packet - because the
is an empty list which wildcards all the headers in a packet - will be installed in the table number 0
- will be in the switch forever (
) - will have the priority of 10 (an incoming packet will be tried to match a
with the highest priority first; once a entry is matched its actions are executed and no moreFlowEntries
are checked) - will send the matching packets to the controller (
indicates the the whole original packet will be included in thePacketIn
Check the OpenFlow documentation for more information, especially, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and
Because the xmpp_ofc_l2_switch
is a gen_server
it initiates its state in the init/1
init([DatapathId]) ->
{ok, #state{datapath_id = DatapathId, fwd_table = #{}}}.
The state keeps track of the DatapathId
and forwarding table fwd_table
which is simply a map that maps MAC addresses to ports they occur on.
handle_call({handle_message, {packet_in, _, MsgBody} = Msg, CurrOFMesssages},
_From, #state{datapath_id = Dpid,
fwd_table = FwdTable0} = State) ->
case packet_in_extract(reason, MsgBody) of
action ->
{OFMessages, FwdTable1} = handle_packet_in(Msg, Dpid, FwdTable0),
{reply, OFMessages ++ CurrOFMesssages,
State#state{fwd_table = FwdTable1}};
_ ->
{reply, CurrOFMesssages, State}
The PacketIn
message that is passed from the LOOM has the following format:
{packet_in, Xid, Body}
where the Xid
is the message identifier and the body is a property list:
-type packet_in() :: list(packet_in_property()).
-type packet_in_property() :: {buffer_id, ofp_buffer_id()} |
{reason, ofp_packet_in_reason()} |
{table_id, non_neg_integer()} |
{cookie, binary()} |
{match, match()} |
{data, binary()}.
You can find out more on the
message in the 7.4.1 of OpenFlow documentation.
What is interesting for us is the reason
which says why the PacketIn
message was sent from the switch. In our case, the reason is action
which means that the message was triggered as a result of an action in the FlowEntry
- the one installed in the switch just after the Module started (the initial FlowMod
). Apart from that, we will have to look into the data
field that contains the original packet. It is because of the following:
- we want to learn the source MAC-address -> Port Number mapping;
- we need to extract the destination MAC-address to see whether we know where to send the packet. All this is accomplished in the
handle_packet_in({_, Xid, PacketIn}, DatapathId, FwdTable0) ->
FwdTable1 = learn_src_mac_to_port(PacketIn, DatapathId, FwdTable0),
case get_port_for_dst_mac(PacketIn, FwdTable0) of
undefined ->
{[packet_out(Xid, PacketIn, flood)], FwdTable1};
PortNo ->
{[flow_to_dst_mac(PacketIn, PortNo),
packet_out(Xid, PacketIn, PortNo)],
According to the algorithm presented in the previous section, if the port for the destination MAC address is unknown we create a PacketOut
message that tells the switch to send the packet from the PacketIn
out the special port: flood
. The flood
port basically tells the switch the send the packet out of all the ports apart from the source one.
However, if the destination port is known, the switch constructs the FlowMod
so that FlowEntry
is installed in the switch and all the subsequent packets in the traffic flow will be served according to it. What's more, the PacketOut
message is sent too so that the first packet of this flow (the one from the PacketIn
) is served as well.
The FlowMod
that is sent down to the switch looks like the one below:
flow_to_dst_mac(PacketIn, OutPort) ->
[InPort, DstMac] = packet_in_extract([in_port, dst_mac], PacketIn),
Matches = [{in_port, InPort}, {eth_dst, DstMac}],
Instructions = [{apply_actions, [{output, OutPort, no_buffer}]}],
FlowOpts = [{table_id, 0}, {priority, 100},
{idle_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(idle)},
{idle_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(hard)},
{cookie, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10>>},
{cookie_mask, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}],
of_msg_lib:flow_add(?OF_VER, Matches, Instructions, FlowOpts).
What is important here is that this FlowMod
creates an entry that will match all the packets arriving at the InPort
destined to the DstMac
address (that we learnt from the PacketIn
message). We also set timers this time so that the entry is deleted after some time (in the switch, but we also schedule removal of the MAC address -> Port Number mapping in the controller - see learn_src_mac_to_port/3
). And the last important thing is that we set the priority to 100 which is higher than what we have in the initial FlowMod
Finally, when you look back what is returned from the handle_packet_in/3
, it returns the updated forwarding table and OpenFlow messages that the Controller Module wants to be pushed down to the switch. These messages are merged with the ones produces by other Controller Modules (however, in our case the xmpp_ofc_l2_switch
is the first one so there're no previous OpenFlow messages):
{OFMessages, FwdTable1} = handle_packet_in(Msg, Dpid, FwdTable0),
{reply, OFMessages ++ CurrOFMesssages, State#state{fwd_table = FwdTable1}};
This walkthrough is based on the dedicated environment 2016.04_erlang_env. After bringing this environment up and running, log into the VM (vagrant ssh
) and run what is described in the Sanity Check paragraph. You should have *Amoc, MongooseIM and OVS running. Then follow the steps below.
vagrant@soe2016:~$ sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows ovs-br1 -O OpenFlow13
OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
The table is empty. As it was said in the aforementioned env description, OVS acts as a regular switch if it fails to connect to the controller.
Connect to the server and check the number of active XMPP sessions. It should be equal to the number of Amoc clients:
vagrant@soe2016:~$ docker exec -it mim ./ debug
IMPORTANT: we will attempt to attach an INTERACTIVE shell
to an already running ejabberd node.
If an ERROR is printed, it means the connection was not successful.
You can interact with the ejabberd node if you know how to use it.
Please be extremely cautious with your actions,
and exit immediately if you are not completely sure.
To detach this shell from ejabberd, press:
control+c, control+c
Press 'Enter' to continue
basename: extra operand 'tty'
Try 'basename --help' for more information.
Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.4] [source-2e19e2f] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V6.4 (abort with ^G)
(mongooseim@f2f5fda4f26e)1> ets:info(session).
{size,19}, # the size indicates the number of connected clients
git clone
cd 2016.04_erlang_xmpp_ofc && make shell
After this step, the controller will be turned on and you should see it "live structure". Run observer to see the process tree:
You can see the xmpp_ofc_gen_switch
process and process running the module - as for now we only have the one module xmpp_ofc_l2_switch
. By double clicking any of the processes you can see more details.
What you can also find useful, is to see the messages that are received by the controller. To achieve this we will enable tracing with the recon tool:
2> recon_trace:calls({xmpp_ofc_l2_switch, handle_message, fun(_) -> return_trace() end}, 10).
Then restart amoc so that there're new Flow Entries installed in the switch. You should see traces:
14:3:08.308353 <0.126.0> xmpp_ofc_l2_switch:handle_message(<0.132.0>, {packet_in,0,
0,2,4,5,180,4,2,8,10,0,36,57,97,0,36,57,97,1,3,3,7>>}]}, [])
14:3:08.308632 <0.126.0> xmpp_ofc_l2_switch:handle_message/3 --> [{ofp_message,
After the controller starts, the switch connects to it and the deafult Flow-Mod from the xmmp_ofc_l2_switch
is sent. You will see it when querying the dump-flows
ovs command:
vagrant@soe2016:~$ sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows ovs-br1 -O OpenFlow13
OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
cookie=0x1, duration=557.414s, table=0, n_packets=38, n_bytes=6126, priority=10 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
The Flow Entry above (that was created via the Flow Mod) has a priority of 10. When a packet, enters the switch, the Flow Entries are matched starting from the one with highest priority. The one that matches provides the actions to be invoked on the packet. Ohter are not tried. In our case the actions is CONTROLLER:65535
which tells the switch to send the packet to the controller. We can also see, that this Flow Entry already matched 38 packets (n_packets=38
After a while, the xmpp_ofc_l2_switch
installs additional Flow Entries that basically tell the switch to forward traffic between its ports. The LOCAL
port is the ovs-br1
switch itself (yes, switch can be treated just as port), and port 1 is the port to witch the XMPP server is attached to:
cookie=0xa, duration=281.905s, table=0, n_packets=4105, n_bytes=628898, idle_timeout=10, priority=100,in_port=LOCAL,dl_dst=7e:b4:40:07:33:27 actions=output:1
cookie=0xa, duration=281.904s, table=0, n_packets=4046, n_bytes=760245, idle_timeout=10, priority=100,in_port=1,dl_dst=92:76:7a:63:19:47 actions=LOCAL
The graphana dashboard has the following graphs:
- "Connections setups/failures/10s" - shows how many connections were setup/failed in the last 10 seconds
- "Amoc users" - shows the number of the generated Amoc users
- Amoc Users Messages/10s - show how many messages were sent/received by Amoc users in total in the last 10 seconds; if everything is balanced the two lines should be equal; if a client gets blocked less messages are delivered in a given time slot
- "XMPP Messages TTD" - TTD stands for Time To Deliver and presents a histogram of the times related to delivering the messages
- "xmpp_ofc of messages/10s" - shows the number of OpenFlow messages sent/received by the controller in the last 10 seconds
- "Monitored/Blocked users in the last minute" - shows the number of users that the controller started monitoring/blocking in the last 10 seconds
The idea is to implement another module, the same way as xmmp_ofc_l2_switch
providing a functionality of limiting the rate of messages sent by a particular client.
- Providing you work with the 2016.04_erlang_env, the XMPP server is always attached the port no 1 of the switch
- Initial
callback) should match all the XMPP messages and its priority should be higher than a defaultFlowMod
capturing not-matched packets:
Matches = [{eth_type, 16#0800}, {ip_proto, <<6>>}, {tcp_dst, <<5222:16>>}],
Instructions = [{apply_actions, [{output, controller, no_buffer}]}],
FlowOpts = [{table_id, 0}, {priority, 150},
{idle_timeout, 0},
{idle_timeout, 0},
{cookie, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,150>>},
{cookie_mask, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}],
of_msg_lib:flow_add(?OF_VER, Matches, Instructions, FlowOpts).
- This module should subscribe to
messages and when they are delivered (handle_message/3
callback) check whether thePacketIn
was sent by matching on the initialFlowMod
(for example by checking the cookie that is the same in both theFlowMod
that triggered thePacketIn
and in the message in itself; checking the TCP destination port number should work too as we can assume that there is only oneFlowEntry
in the switch sending XMPP packet to the controller) - Based on the
message, the module should sent anotherFlowMod
to allow subsequent packets of this traffic flow to reach the XMPP server:
handle_packet_in({_, Xid, PacketIn}, DatapathId, FwdTable0) ->
[IpSrc, TCPSrc] = packet_in_extract([ipv4_src, tcp_src], PacketIn),
Matches = [{eth_type, 16#0800},
{ipv4_src, IpSrc},
{ip_proto, <<6>>},
{tcp_src, TCPSrc},
{tcp_dst, <<5222:16>>}],
Instructions = [{apply_actions, [{output, 1, no_buffer}]}],
FlowOpts = [{table_id, 0}, {priority, 150},
{idle_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(idle)},
{hard_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(hard)},
{cookie, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,200>>},
{cookie_mask, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}],
FM = of_msg_lib:flow_add(?OF_VER, Matches, Instructions, FlowOpts),
PO = packet_out(Xid, PacketIn, 1),
{[FM, PO], FwdTable0}.
You can see that the match here specifies not only the XMPP port but all the headers in the lower layers of the OSI model (i.e.:
). It is because matching on the TCP destination port has some prerequisites about which you can read in the of the OpenFlow documentation.
- This module should regularly check the statistics/counters of the
for the particular XMPP connections and decide whether a specified threshold was exceeded (for example let's say we allow only 100 packets/min). If the limit is reached this Controller Module should send blockingFlowMod
(the action list empty which indicates dropping a packet):
drop_flow_mod(IpSrc, TCPSrc, DatapathId) ->
Matches = [{eth_type, 16#0800},
{ipv4_src, IpSrc},
{ip_proto, <<6>>},
{tcp_src, TCPSrc},
{tcp_dst, <<5222:16>>}],
Instructions = [{apply_actions, []}],
FlowOpts = [{table_id, 0}, {priority, 150},
{idle_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(idle)},
{hard_timeout, ?FM_TIMEOUT_S(hard)},
{cookie, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,200>>},
{cookie_mask, <<0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>>}],
of_msg_lib:flow_add(?OF_VER, Matches, Instructions, FlowOpts),
To read more about actions check 5.12 in the OpenFlow documentation.
- To check a
statistics the controller has to send aFlowStatsRequest
. The switch responds with theFlowStatsReply
which among others containspacket_count
fields. To construct theFlowStatsRequest
the following code could be used:
send_flow_stats(ClientFlowModCookie, DatapathId) ->
Matches = [],
TableId = 0,
Cookie = ClientFlowModCookie,
FlowStats = of_msg_lib:get_flow_statistics(?OF_VER,
[{cookie, Cookie},
{cookie_mask, Cookie}]),
ofs_handler:send(DatapathId, FlowStats).
The cookie is the same as was used when sending a FlowMod
for a particular client (see the handle_packet_in/3
example in the previous point).
We're breaking an abstraction here as we refer to the ofs_handler:send/2 directly which ties the code to a particular library. We'll likely change it in the nearest future.
To understand how the cookies mechanism works refer to the 6.4 chapter in the OpenFlow documentation (specifically check the description of Modify and Delete. The flow statistics are described in of this document.
The switch responds with FlowStatsReply
providing that our IDS Controller Module have subscribed to the flow_stats_reply
subscriptions() ->
[packet_in, flow_stats_reply].
An example code handling for the FlowStatsReply
could look like this:
handle_flow_stats_reply({_, Xid, FlowStatsReply}, DatapathId, FwdTable0) ->
[IpSrc, TCPSrc, PacketCount, DurationSec] =
duration_sec], FlowStatsReply),
case packets_threshold_exceeed(PacketCount, DurationSec) of
true ->
FM = drop_flow_mod(IpSrc, TCPSrc, DatapathId),
FwdTable1 = rememer_drop_flow_mod(FM, FwdTable0),
{[FM], FwdTable1};
false ->
schedule_flow_stats_request(DatapathId, IpSrc, TCPSrc),
The alternative way of checking a
stats is through its timers and theFlowRemoved
message. Check 7.4.2 in the OpenFlow documentation for more information.
- To be able to periodically check a
stats we need a mechanism of notifying the IDS Controller Module process to send theFlowStatsReply
message. One way of achieving it is to schedule sending a message to the IDS CM process:
schedule_flow_stats_request(DatapathId, IpSrc, TCPSrc) ->
Dpid, TcpSrc, IpSrc}).
a message {send_flow_stats_request, Dpid, TcpSrc, IpSrc}
will be delivered to the process and we need handle_info/2
callback to handle it:
handle_info({send_flow_stats_request, Dpid, TcpSrc, IpSrc}, State) ->
{noreply, State}.