HotelsApp is a modern Android application that helps users find hotels and explore their details. It provides an intuitive interface to search for hotels and view their locations on maps.
- Search for hotels based on location.
- View detailed information about each hotel.
- Explore hotel locations on interactive maps.
- Jetpack Compose: A modern Android UI toolkit for building native UIs.
- Hilt: A dependency injection library for Android that simplifies Dagger integration.
- Room: A persistence library that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite.
- Retrofit: A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- Jetpack Compose Animation: Jetpack Compose animations for creating delightful user experiences.
- Jetpack Compose Google Maps SDK: Jetpack Compose library for integrating Google Maps into your app.
- MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel): A design pattern that separates the presentation logic from the UI in Android apps.
- Clean Architecture: A software architectural approach that promotes separation of concerns and maintainability.
- Coroutines and Flow: Kotlin libraries used for managing asynchronous operations, enhancing responsiveness, and providing real-time data updates.
HotelsApp seamlessly integrates the Jetpack Compose Google Maps SDK to display hotel locations on interactive maps, enriching the app's functionality.