Simplewho am I kidding? Chessboard built with React and Grid
Identify componentsCreate componentsAdd game state
Set up drag and drop contextDefine drag typesMake knight draggableMake board squares droppableAdd overlay for incorrect, possible, and correct movesAdd drag preview image- Fix drag preview image
- King
- Queen
- Bishop
- Rook
- Pawn
white chess king ♔ U+2654 ♔ ♔ white chess queen ♕ U+2655 ♕ ♕ white chess rook ♖ U+2656 ♖ ♖ white chess bishop ♗ U+2657 ♗ ♗ white chess knight ♘ U+2658 ♘ ♘ white chess pawn ♙ U+2659 ♙ ♙ black chess king ♚ U+265A ♚ ♚ black chess queen ♛ U+265B ♛ ♛ black chess rook ♜ U+265C ♜ ♜ black chess bishop ♝ U+265D ♝ ♝ black chess knight ♞ U+265E ♞ ♞ black chess pawn ♟ U+265F ♟ ♟