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Python logging notes, for when you're looking for additional confusion beyond the standard library docs

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Python Logging Notes

Python logging is confusing.


ERROR = 40
INFO = 20
DEBUG = 10

To pass a message through, a log message must have the following relationship: record.level >= logger.level


  1. A logger set to DEBUG would see DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ....
  2. LOWER levels are relatively less important for the user to see.
  3. HIGHER levels are relatively more important for the user to see.
  4. Consider the levels like a "high water marker", indicating the nearby lake is nearing overflowing at WARNING (30) and a flood is imminent at CRITICAL (50).


isEnabledFor performs this check.

isEnabledFor works like the following:

  1. if logger.disabled, return immediately

  2. Otherwise,

    1. Check manager.disable >= level (usually not the case)
    2. Check level >= logger.getEffectiveLevel()
  3. logger.getEffectiveLevel()

    1. Find the first logger [self, self.parent, self.parent.parent, ...] that has a level set.
    2. Return the level found in (a) or fall back to NOTSET.

For performance reasons, the per-level isEnabledFor information is cached in a dictionary logger._cache[level].

This cache is locked using a module-level threading.RLock.

Level conversion

>>> logging.getLevelName(10)

But the same function reverses it, too!

>>> logging.getLevelName("DEBUG")

So using something like the following would make it consistent:

from typing import Union

def validate_log_level(level: Union[str, int]) -> int:
    Return a logging level integer for level comparison.

    level : str or int
        The logging level string or integer value.

    log_level : int
        The integral log level.

        If the logging level is invalid.
    if isinstance(level, int):
        return level
    if isinstance(level, str):
        levelno = logging.getLevelName(level)

    if not isinstance(levelno, int):
        raise ValueError("Invalid logging level (use e.g., DEBUG or 6)")

    return levelno

Consistent numerical values:

>>> validate_log_level(10)

>>> validate_log_level("DEBUG")

>>> logging.getLevelName(validate_log_level(10))


Never hear of the logging.Manager? Me either.

Normally, it appears there is just one Manager instance.

It contains the following information:

  1. The root logger node (Logger.root)
  2. A method to disable logging globally below a certain level.
  3. If a no-handler-warning has been emitted (no handler found and no fallback)
  4. loggerDict - a mapping of {logger_name: Logger}
  5. loggerClass the default Logger class to create on getLogger.
  6. logRecordFactory the factory used to create records

Global disable logging

While the manager takes care of this, the public API is


This also forces a cache clearing, so that loggers have to find their effective levels again.


logging.getLogger is a shortcut for Logger.manager.getLogger!

... with the exception of the root logger, that is returned directly from logging.root.

Some things to note:

  1. You can override the default Logger class by doing logging.
  2. Custom Logger classes must be subclasses of Logger.
  3. manager.setLoggerClass takes precedence over logging.setLoggerClass
    1. They are two separate state variables!


Internal API for managing parent/child logger relationships. Quoting the source code:

Get a logger with the specified name (channel name), creating it if it doesn't yet exist. This name is a dot-separated hierarchical name, such as "a", "a.b", "a.b.c" or similar.

If a PlaceHolder existed for the specified name [i.e. the logger didn't exist but a child of it did], replace it with the created logger and fix up the parent/child references which pointed to the placeholder to now point to the logger.



LogRecord ignores unknown kwargs, so where do extras get added as attributes?

Extras get patched in by way of record.__dict__[key] = value.


LoggerAdapter is a simple way to add contextual information onto a logger. The adapter itself, however, is not 100% API-compatible with the Logger class.

It should be used when you have multiple contexts (objects, etc.) utilizing the same logger instance, but you want the generated logger records to be easily differentiable.


Only the following classes implement the Filterer interface:

  • Handler
  • Logger

Interface of a filter

Filters should either be callable or have a callable attribute .filter(). Either should take one positional argument: the LogRecord.

class MyFilter:
    def filter(self, record):
        return True

def filter(record):
    return True

MyFilter() and filter() are both acceptable (and equivalent in this simple example).

Application of filters

Filters are applied uniformly for either handlers or loggers:

should_handle = all(filter() for filter in logger.filters)
should_handler_0_emit_record = all(filter() for filter in logger.handlers[0].filters)

Handler filter

A filter applied to a handler takes in a record. If any filter returns False, the final message will not be emitted.

Log Messages


The parent logger of logging.getLogger("a.b") is logging.getLogger("a").

Propagation (during callHandlers)

Basic rule is that if:

logger.propagate = False

That the log message will not propagate to logger.parent. There's more to it than this, though.

A False-returning filter in logger.filters or setting logger.disabled will stop records from reaching callHandlers and thus avoid propagation entirely.

Handler-level filters have no effect on propagation.

Effective Level

Unset log levels are configured as logging.NOTSET = 0

Flow [Logger version]

  1. logger.debug("Message")
    1. Ensure logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG)
  2. logger._log()
    1. Create a LogRecord by way of logger.makeRecord()
    2. This is where exception information and stack information is determined.
  3. logger.handle(record)
    1. Stop if logger.disabled
    2. Stop if not logger.filter(record)
  4. logger.callHandlers(record)
    1. For each handler in logger.handlers
      1. If the handler level is <= the record.levelno, pass the message to the handler: handler.handle(record)
    2. Repeat (a) for each parent/ancestor logger if .propagate
    3. If zero handlers were found in this step, use the "last resort" logger. The log level number requirement still applies for the last resort logger.

For each handler that passed step (4)(a)(1):

  1. Stop if not handler.filter(record)
    1. All filters must return True
  2. Emit the record by way of:
    1. Acquire threading.RLock dedicated to the handler (handler.lock).
    2. handler.emit(record)
    3. Release the lock.

For each emitted record above in handler.emit(record):

  1. Call handler.format(record) to get the message
  2. Send message out to target (this is custom depending on the handler implementation itself)

Flow [Adapter version]

The adapter is a thin wrapper around its public logger attribute.


extra = {"a": "b"}
adapter = logging.LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger("logger"), extra=extra)
  1. adapter.debug("Test")
    1. adapter.log(DEBUG, "Test")
  2. adapter.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)
    1. Ensure adapter.logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG)
    2. Call adapter.process(DEBUG, "Test")
  3. adapter.process(DEBUG, "Test", *args, **kwargs)
    1. Attach kwargs["extra"] = self.extra
  4. Pass on the message and args to the original logger instance.
    1. self.logger.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs)

Last Resort

If no other handlers are found in a log message chain, a "last resort" logger is used.

This is by default configured at the WARNING level.

The log level number requirement still applies for the last resort logger.

Creating a log record

logger.makeRecord takes care of creating a record.

Under the hood, log records are created through a factory logging.getLogRecordFactory(), which can be set with logging.setLogRecordFactory(factory).

This factory (as of the time of writing) should have arguments:



There's an atexit hook which will look through every handler ever defined (well, weakrefs of handlers, stashed in logging._handlerList) and call the following:

  1. If the weakref is invalid, stop
  2. Call the following, ignoring OSError/ValueError:
    1. handler.acquire()
    2. handler.flush()
    3. handler.close()
  3. And finally, handler.release()

Root Logger

Helper functions for using the root logger are there, but you really shouldn't be using them (in my opinion).

There is at least one upside to using them, an application without logging setup may still see the messages due to a check for handlers on the root logger in these helpers. -> basicConfig +

logging.debug(...) -> basicConfig + root.debug(...)

logging.warning(...) -> basicConfig + root.warning(...)

logging.error(...) -> basicConfig + root.error(...)

logging.exception(...) -> basicConfig + root.exception(...)

logging.critical(...) -> basicConfig + root.critical(...)

Capturing warnings

Warnings can be captured in the logging system by way of:


This (surprisingly, to me) monkey-patches warnings.showwarning to redirect it to logging._showwarning. This formats the warning and routes it to logging.getLogger("py.warnings").warning().


This is used pretty much everywhere for simple configuration of logging.

As someone clearly interested in the Python logging system, it's worth reading through the docstring once to see what it's actually doing.

Do basic configuration for the logging system.

This function does nothing if the root logger already has handlers configured, unless the keyword argument force is set to True. It is a convenience method intended for use by simple scripts to do one-shot configuration of the logging package.

The default behaviour is to create a StreamHandler which writes to sys.stderr, set a formatter using the BASIC_FORMAT format string, and add the handler to the root logger.

A number of optional keyword arguments may be specified, which can alter the default behaviour.

Also, you can

  1. Specify filename/filemode to quickly create a FileHandler
  2. Configure formatting by way of format/datefmt/style and encoding
  3. Configure the root logger level (level)
  4. Redirect the default stderr stream (stream)
  5. Pass in already-created handlers (handlers = [...])




Python logging notes, for when you're looking for additional confusion beyond the standard library docs




