Our final implementation is based on Monte Carlo with Heuristics Approach
The presentation and demo link is available on youtube. YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ib14vkOxLo
Python3.6 or higher
We have implemented two techniques.
- Monte Carlo with Heuristics: This is our main implementation technique for the contest. The implementation is available in 'myTeam.py' file.
- qLearningAgent: This is our second implmentation which could not do well in the contest. The implementation is available in 'qLearningAgent.py' file.
The pacman agent can be started as red or blue agent. Run below command: python3 capture.py -r myTeam.py -b baselineTeam.py
We use -r option to run the agent as red. If the agent has to run as blue team use -b option which is currently used by baselineTeam in above command.
The pacman game had 2 types of layouts :
- Fixed layouts -- The above command can be used to run for fixed layouts available in layouts directory.
- Random layouts -- For random layouts, add -l RAND$SEED where $SEED is any random number. Command: "python3 capture.py -r myTeam.py -b baselineTeam.py -l RANDOM234" where the number 234 is the map number.
Pac-man implementation by UC Berkeley: The Pac-man Projects - UC Berkeley (http://ai.berkeley.edu/project_overview.html)