Ansible role that spins up multiple instances of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. It build Elasticsearch cluster automatically based on EC2 tags. It spins up loadbalancers by default for each component and install Elasticsearch plugins: cerebro, head and kopf. By default plugins are enabled on elasticsearch instances on below ports:
- cerebro TCP/9000
- head TCP/9100
- kopf TCP/80
- boto library
- boto3 library
- AWS secrets set in vars/credentials.yml as per below:
aws_access_key_id : "secret-key-id"
aws_secret_access_key : "secret-access-key"
- general variables set in defaults/main.yml
vpc_subnet_id: "subnet-XXXX"
ami_id: "ami-1e038d71"
region: "eu-central-1"
key_name: "aws-frankfurt"
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "/PATH/TO/YOUR/KEY.pem"
ansible_user: centos
discovery_ec2_endpoint: ""
Main variables are set in defaults/main.yml.
EC instances and loadbalancers details as per below:
# EC deployment stuff
- count: 2
tag: 'elasticsearch'
sg_name: 'sg_elasticsearch'
sg_description: 'rule for ES'
sg_proto: 'tcp'
sg_ports: [22, 80, 9000, 9100, 9200, 9300]
sg_cidr_ip: ''
- count: 2
tag: 'logstash'
sg_name: 'sg_logstash'
sg_description: 'rule for Logstash'
sg_proto: 'tcp'
sg_ports: [22, 9600, 5044]
sg_cidr_ip: ''
- count: 2
tag: 'kibana'
sg_name: 'sg_kibana'
sg_description: 'rule for Kibana'
sg_proto: 'tcp'
sg_ports: [80, 22, 5601]
sg_cidr_ip: ''
# LB stuff
- protocol: 'http'
load_balancer_port: 9200
instance_port: 9200
- protocol: 'tcp'
load_balancer_port: 5044
instance_port: 5044
- protocol: 'http'
load_balancer_port: 80
instance_port: 5601
ansible-playbook -i localhost, main.yml --ask-vault
Wojciech Wojcik (