This repository contains my personal linux configuration files, the ones usually found in my /home/ked/.config
directory. The following dotfiles are managed via chezmoi
and are stored in this repository. As of the latest commit, my system is running the following software:
- OS: arch linux
- Shell: zsh with oh-my-zsh
- Terminal: kitty
- Window Manager: hyprland with all its ecosystem
- Bar: waybar
- Notifications: dunst
- File Manager: nnn-nerd
- Editor: neovim with lazyvim
- Launcher: wofi
- Theme: catppuccin-mocha
It also depends on nerd-fonts
, wlogout
, zoxide
, lsd
, bat
, fd
, ripgrep
, exa
, fzf
, dust
, as well as other programs listed in the hyprland config file.
Use chezmoi
to manage these files and clone them to your system, like so:
chezmoi init --apply
Check that all relative or absolute paths in all configuration files are correct for your system. Some paths, like those used for themes, depend on .config/themes