This repository contains a collection of graph algorithms designed to solve various problems in complex networks. The included algorithms address community detection, shortest path search, and identification of k-clique covers. The goal of this repository is to provide efficient and easy-to-understand implementations of these algorithms for use in research, teaching, and practical applications.
- Community Detection: Algorithms that identify groups of nodes where the nodes within the group are more densely connected to each other than to nodes outside the group.
- Shortest Path Search: Implementations of algorithms like Dijkstra and Floyd-Warshall to find the shortest path between nodes in a graph.
- k-Clique Cover Identification: Algorithms to find subsets of nodes that form cliques of size k in the graph.
- Test Data: Datasets that can be used to test and validate the algorithms.
This repository is intended for:
- Researchers: Working in the field of complex networks and graph theory.
- Students: Learning about graph algorithms and wanting to see practical implementations.
- Developers: Needing graph-based solutions for their projects and applications.
- Teachers: Looking for educational resources and examples to teach graph theory and related algorithms.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.