angora supports all the AMQP 0.9.1 client and RabbitMQ extension features with additional resilience features.
- Reconnect when disconnected from Broker such as when Broker restarts or Connection/Channel close.
- Reliable publishing using publish confirm - configurable.
- Custom failure handling on publish confirm NACK.
- Configurable thread-safe Channel pooling.
- Supports the graceful shutdown.
amqpURL := "amqp://host/"
cli, err := angora.NewConnection(amqpURL,
angora.WithPublishConfirm(), // to enable publish confirm on channel.
angora.WithTLSConfig(tlsConfig), // to use TLS to connect to Broker
angora.WithChannelPool(), // to enable AMQP channels pooling
// handle error
ctx := context.Background()
pubCfg := angora.ProducerConfig{
RoutingKey: "post.created",
Mandatory: false,
Immediate: false,
publishing := amqp.Publishing{
ContentType: "application/json",
DeliveryMode: amqp.Transient,
Timestamp: time.Now().UTC(),
Body: jsonPayload,
// set other necessary fields.
err := cli.Publish(ctx, "exchangeName", pubCfg, publishing)
// handle error
amqpURL := "amqp://host/"
// Create a angora Connection establishes amqp connection with Broker which reconnects automatically on amqp.Close.
cli, err := angora.NewConnection(amqpURL,
angora.WithTLSConfig(tlsConfig), // to use TLS to connect to Broker
angora.WithChannelPool(), // to enable AMQP channels pooling
// Build a ConsumerGroup.
cg, err := c.BuildConsumerGroup(
"test-cg", // consumer name (optional)
"test-queue", // RabbitMQ Queue name
&handler{}, // message delivery handler
3, // number of concurrent consumer running under group
angora.ConsumerConfig{ // Consume configuration
AutoAck: true,
Exclusive: false,
NoLocal: false,
NoWait: false,
Args: nil,
// Start ConsumerGroup which would in turn start Consumers as per concurrency degree.
cli.StartConsumerGroup(ctx, cg)
cli.CancelConsumerGroup(context.Background(), cg)
This will close the amqp Connection and all the channels, it will stop taking all the new publishing and stop all the running Consumers, if any.
Q: Why was the consumer group concept added?
A: The consumer group concept allows you to easily manage (start/stop) all concurrent consumers with a single command, instead of handling them individually.
Create your pull request on a branch other than main. Add test or example to reflect your changes.
This library is covered by the integration tests, before running tests make sure you have RabbitMQ running on local or container (use docker-compose.yml
to start the rabbitMQ)
source .env
make test
Github workflow will also run the integration tests.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.