The de-stressing site.
- Sprint 1, Friday 9am-12pm (MVP)
- Sprint 2, Friday 2pm-3:30pm (stretch)
- Standups: 9am, ??, ?? ...
Please claim a ticket by adding your initials at the end of the line. Please put an "x" in the brackets/tickbox when the task is complete.
- [] As a user, I want to see, on the main/landing page, a set of buttons for different relaxing topics (e.g. puppies, kittens, rain, ocean).
- [] As a user, I want to be able to click ona topic's button and see/be brought to a page with a large picture (or video) of one example of the relaxing topic I picked (e.g. a puppy).
- [] As a user, I want to be able to click the picture and get another picture from the same topic.
- [] As a user, I want to have a home button to go back and select another topic at any time.
- [] As a user, I want to add an on-topic image to the collection of images for any topic.
- [] As a user, I want to be able to add a caption to any image.
- [] As a user, I want to be able to see all the captions submitted for each image on the same page as the image.
- [] initial images sourced from Reddit API or searching and inputting URLs manually
*AddCaption = Add a caption *Captions = Mapping through captions and calling Word *Caption = Presentation on screen of eact caption