Rita Github link : https://github.com/activecm/rita
A little script that will reverse DNS an IP by looking in the MangoDB
$ python3 ./ritadns.py -s -ip -d lab
integration of DNS python script to the rita command (it will search for the column header "Destination IP" and do a dnsresolution on that column)
./rita-python.py show-beacons lab | head -n 10
./rita-python.py show-long-connections home | head -n 10
As the name states, it's an SYSLOG alerter. I will save the states of the beacon entries and send SYSLOG for all new entries.
we can set a threshold (default = 0.7)
Todo :
add show-long-connections and show-exploded-dns to the rita-alerter.py
make it compatible with -H --human-readable option
do it in Go in Rita
if somebody requests it, I can add SMTP alerting instead of SYSLOG
Teston: Python3.6.9
Requirements: PyMango, Pandas, Numpy, Argparse