This Web App is an in-process project. It was developed as part of an NSF funded Research Project: BIGDATA: IA: DKA: Collaborative Research: Learning Data Analytics: Providing Actionable Insights to Increase College Student Success, Link:
All data i.e. all courses (scraped from George Mason University Catalog ) and Computer Science courses' related topics used in this app are provided by other researchers.
This app currently allows:
- Student registers/logins.
- Student creates a profile, including: pursued degree (currently supported Computer Science, BS degree), transcript data.
- Student can see the remaining courses he/she needs to take to complete degree.
- Student can add a course to his/her folder to evaluate such as view predicted grade for the course, view related topics to the course (not yet supported).
- After evaluating the course, student can add to his/her planner.
- Student can view his/her degree planner.
To run the app in your local machine: After cloning, in the directory that contains SummerResearch2016-DegreePlannerWebApp:
Activate virtual environment:
source SummerResearch2016-DegreePlannerWebApp/bin/activate -
Inside SummerResearch2016-DegreePlannerWebApp/StudentTools, activate the server:
python runserver