As said previously, the documentation was improved in order to reflect the most recent project changes.
Most notably, it is now in line with the "3 tomcats"-based setup that drives the template configuration since geOrchestra 14.06.
It also includes an interesting "how to upgrade your config" generic guide (that you should read, and maybe contribute to !).
config changes
We introduced a new global config option: shared.url.scheme
which defaults to http.
Set to https (along with shared.server.port
to 443) if your SDI requires it. Do not forget to also change the base url of GeoServer and GeoNetwork in their respectives admin GUI.
In mapfishapp's GEOR_custom.js:
- the
config options have been removed. The server definitions are now loaded via separate XHR's. You should migrate your content into the newly introducedmyprofile/mapfishapp/*.json
was added to handle the "context loaded" popping down indicator duration. It defaults to 5 seconds. Set to 0 to disable the indicator.CONTEXTS
was an array of arrays. It is now an array of objects.
Eg, in 14.06:
["OpenStreetMap", "app/img/contexts/osm.png", "default.wmc", "A unique OSM layer"],
From 14.12 on:
label: "OpenStreetMap",
thumbnail: "app/img/contexts/osm.png",
wmc: "default.wmc",
tip: "A unique OSM layer",
keywords: ["OpenStreetMap", "Basemap"]
}, {
Also, the print templates have been improved.
If you made changes to the previous templates, you have to migrate them, or you may also keep your older templates.
In extractorapp's GEOR_custom.js, several new javascript config options have been added, related to #726: SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS
. Make sure your configuration is up to date with the template configuration, or you will get these variable defaults.
Note also the addition of an excluded
directory in the template configuration. The content of this directory will be ignored when creating the configuration jar, which is deployed in each webapp. This is a convenient way to store scripts and so on, versioned with your configuration.
new repositories
We decided to publish resources for your server "htdocs" folder. Have a look at our georchestra/htdocs repository to get some inspiration.
As you may know, since geOrchestra 14.06, we recommend to start from our minimal GeoServer "data dir", rather than using GeoServer's default. For the 14.12 release, we also decided to publish a minimal GeoNetwork data dir too !
apache configuration
In geOrchestra's security proxy, there's an OGC proxy which we use to circumvent browser's same origin policy. To prevent anyone to use this proxy (see #755), we recommend to restrict access to the proxy by checking the request Referer header, eg for apache <= 2.2 with:
SetEnvIf Referer "^http://my\.sdi\.org/" mysdi
<Proxy http://localhost:8180/proxy/*>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=mysdi
There's also another improvement when your SDI is not globally accessed through https: securing your communications to the ldapadmin webapp through the following:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/ldapadmin/?.*$
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R=301,L]
This can also be used to secure other modules, eg analytics, downloadform...
If you experience build issues, please clear your local maven repository (rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/), then try again.
Our continuous integration process now checks every day that all geOrchestra modules (including GeoFence) build smoothly.
We also make sure that the following geoserver extensions are compatible: app-schema, authkey, charts, control-flow, css, csw, dds, dxf, feature-aggregate, feature-pregeneralized, geosearch, gdal, imagemap, inspire, istyler, kml, libjpeg-turbo, mysql, ogr, pyramid, script, spatialite, xslt, wps, w3ds. They can be integrated in your geoserver deployment by adding them in the build command line, eg with
./mvn -Dserver=template -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Pgeofence -Pcontrol-flow,css,csw,gdal,inspire,kml,libjpeg-turbo,ogr,pyramid,spatialite,wps,w3ds clean install