Version: V0.2.1
Studio Jordan Shaw //
This is a Artnet node built with Teensy 4.1 + OctoWS28
- Teensy Board 4.1:
- OctoWS28 Adaptor:
- Ethernet Kit for Teensy 4.1:
- OctoWS28 Teensy Library:
- FastLED:
- Artnet Library:
Note: for Teensy 4.1, Teensyduino and the Artnet library, the following artnet.h source needs to be modified to work with 4.1.
Modify this file to use NativeEthernet /Users/[USER]/Library/Arduino15/packages/teensy/hardware/avr/1.58.1/libraries/Artnet/Artnet.h
Teensy 4.1 requires NativeEthernet.h
and NativeEthernetUdp.h
To avoid library conflicts, it's best to uninstall the Artnet library available from within the Arduino library manager and only use the modified version included with Teensyduino. Around line ~30 in Artnet.h update the below... the PJRC thread.
#if defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO)
#include <WiFi101.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
// #include <Ethernet.h>
// #include <EthernetUdp.h>
#include <NativeEthernet.h>
#include <NativeEthernetUdp.h>
Original Artnet example from Paul Stoffregen's OctoWS2811 library
Inspired by CaseyJScalf's Teensy 4.1 Artnet Node w/ Madmapper
The implimentation of the FastLED with OctoWS28 + Pin selection
To run on a Pi, I used a USB ethernet adapter for the artnet networking. I used the adapter IP for the artnet IP
This project was put together in tandum with a custom app to generate the LED visuals. The gotchya with this is that the artnet library compatible with the Teensy/Octo setup is not the library in the Processing library manager. YOU MUST download and manually installed from Florian's Artnet4j - Art-Net DMX over IP library for Java and Processing repo.