Note: This should more or less work with any Android-based device. I haven't tested any others but you should be able to hijack your kid's tablet or your spouse's phone. Control that screen time! 😉
- ADB installed & on your path
- Your Fire TV device has ADB enabled (this opens port 5555)
- You know your Fire TV's IP Address
- Connect
joel@Joels-iMac firetv-controller (master) $ cargo run <your-firetv-ip:5555>
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
connected to <your-firetv-ip:5555>
What key would you like to press? (q to quit)
- Control (up, down, left, right, enter, back, home, menu, play, pause)
- up
- down
- left
- right
- enter
- back
- home
- menu
- play
- pause
- Documentation